This module provides a wrapper, BGZFile, over an htslib BGZF compressed file/stream. The wrapper acts as a linewise ForwardRange over the file or stream.
This module simplifies working with CIGAR strings/ops from SAM/BAM/CRAM alignment records.
Module to deal with SAM records' MD auxillary tag.
SAMRecord and SAMFile are wrappers for htslib functions relating to SAM/BAM/CRAM* files
Module providing a wrapper, TabixIndexedFile over a line-oriented NGS flat file, such as BED, GFF3, VCF that has been indexed with tabix.
Module provides a parser for SAM/BAM record auxillary tags.
VCF version 4.2 (including BCF) reader and writer, including a model with convenience functions for the header (metadata) and individual VCF/BCF records (rows).
Undocumented in source.