Undocumented in source.
open file or network resources for writing setup incl header allocation if mode==w: bcf_hdr_init automatically sets version string (##fileformat=VCFv4.2) bcf_hdr_init automatically adds the PASS filter
setup and copy a header from another BCF/VCF as template
Add a filedate= headerline, which is not called out specifically in the spec, but appears in the spec's example files. We could consider allowing a param here.
Add FILTER tag (§1.2.3)
Add a new header line
Add a new header line -- must be formatted ##key=value
Add a record
Add sample to this VCF * int bcf_hdr_add_sample(bcf_hdr_t *hdr, const(char) *sample);
Add INFO (§1.2.2) or FORMAT (§1.2.4) tag
Add FILTER tag (§1.2.3)
Add contig definition (§1.2.7) to header meta-info
copy header lines from a template without overwiting existing lines
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
as expected
as expected
as expected
Basic support for writing VCF, BCF files