
@param idx Index @param hdr Header @param region Region specification @return An iterator on success; NULL on failure

Regions are parsed by hts_parse_reg(), and take one of the following forms:

region | Outputs

REF: | All reads with RNAME REF REF:START | Reads with RNAME REF overlapping START to end of REF REF:-END | Reads with RNAME REF overlapping start of REF to END REF:START-END | Reads with RNAME REF overlapping START to END . | All reads from the start of the file | Unmapped reads at the end of the file (RNAME '*' in SAM)

The form REF: should be used when the reference name itself contains a colon.

Note that SAM files must be bgzf-compressed for iterators to work.

extern (C)
const(hts_idx_t)* idx
const(char)* region
