
bcf_hdr_id2*() - Macros for accessing bcf_idinfo_t @type: one of BCF_HL_FLT, BCF_HL_INFO, BCF_HL_FMT @int_id: return value of bcf_hdr_id2int, must be >=0

The returned values are: bcf_hdr_id2length .. whether the number of values is fixed or variable, one of BCF_VL_* bcf_hdr_id2number .. the number of values, 0xfffff for variable length fields bcf_hdr_id2type .. the field type, one of BCF_HT_* bcf_hdr_id2coltype .. the column type, one of BCF_HL_*

Notes: Prior to using the macros, the presence of the info should be tested with bcf_hdr_idinfo_exists().

extern (C) pragma(inline, true)
const(bcf_hdr_t)* hdr
int type
int int_id
