

Construct a bcf/vcf record, backed by bcf1_t, from: an existing bcf1_t, parameters, or a VCF line.

Internal backing by bcf1_t means it must conform to the BCF2 rules -- i.e., header must contain appropriate INFO, CONTIG, and FILTER lines.

Protip: specifying alternate MAX_UNPACK can speed it tremendously as it will not unpack all fields, only up to those requested (see htslib.vcf) For example, BCF_UN_STR is up to ALT inclusive, and BCF_UN_STR is up to FILTER

  1. this(T* h, bcf1_t* b, int MAX_UNPACK)
  2. this(VCFHeader* vcfhdr, string chrom, int pos, string id, string _ref, string alt, float qual, SS filter)
    class VCFRecord
    string chrom
    int pos
    string id
    string _ref
    string alt
    float qual
    if (
    isSomeString!SS ||
    is(SS == string[])
  3. this(VCFHeader* vcfhdr, string line, int MAX_UNPACK)
