
@file Consider using the higher level hts_*() API for programs that wish to be file format agnostic (see htslib/hts.h).

This API should be used for CRAM specific code. The specifics of the public API are implemented in cram_io.h, cram_encode.h and cram_decode.h although these should not be included directly (use this file instead).



alias SAM_hdr = sam_hdr_t

@{ ------------------------------------------------------------------- Old typedef and function names for compatibility with existing code. Header functionality is now provided by sam.h's sam_hdr_t functions.

alias sam_hdr_add_PG = sam_hdr_add_pg

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enum cram_block_method

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enum cram_content_type

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int cram_block_append(cram_block* b, const(void)* data, int size)

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int cram_block_get_comp_size(cram_block* b)

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int cram_block_get_content_id(cram_block* b)

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cram_content_type cram_block_get_content_type(cram_block* b)

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int cram_block_get_crc32(cram_block* b)

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void* cram_block_get_data(cram_block* b)

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size_t cram_block_get_offset(cram_block* b)

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int cram_block_get_uncomp_size(cram_block* b)

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void cram_block_set_comp_size(cram_block* b, int size)

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void cram_block_set_content_id(cram_block* b, int id)

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void cram_block_set_crc32(cram_block* b, int crc)

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void cram_block_set_data(cram_block* b, void* data)

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void cram_block_set_offset(cram_block* b, size_t offset)

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void cram_block_set_uncomp_size(cram_block* b, int size)

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uint cram_block_size(cram_block* b)

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void cram_block_update_size(cram_block* b)

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int cram_check_EOF(cram_fd* fd)

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int cram_close(cram_fd* fd)

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int cram_compress_block(cram_fd* fd, cram_block* b, cram_metrics* metrics, int method, int level)

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int* cram_container_get_landmarks(cram_container* c, int* num_landmarks)

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int cram_container_get_length(cram_container* c)

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int cram_container_get_num_blocks(cram_container* c)

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int cram_container_is_empty(cram_fd* fd)

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void cram_container_set_landmarks(cram_container* c, int num_landmarks, int* landmarks)

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void cram_container_set_length(cram_container* c, int length)

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void cram_container_set_num_blocks(cram_container* c, int num_blocks)

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int cram_container_size(cram_container* c)

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int cram_copy_slice(cram_fd* in_, cram_fd* out_, int num_slice)

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cram_fd* cram_dopen(hFILE* fp, const(char)* filename, const(char)* mode)

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int cram_eof(cram_fd* fd)

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hFILE* cram_fd_get_fp(cram_fd* fd)

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sam_hdr_t* cram_fd_get_header(cram_fd* fd)

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int cram_fd_get_version(cram_fd* fd)

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void cram_fd_set_fp(cram_fd* fd, hFILE* fp)

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void cram_fd_set_header(cram_fd* fd, sam_hdr_t* hdr)

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void cram_fd_set_version(cram_fd* fd, int vers)

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int cram_flush(cram_fd* fd)

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void cram_free_block(cram_block* b)

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void cram_free_container(cram_container* c)

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refs_t* cram_get_refs(htsFile* fd)

@{ -------------------------------------------------------------------

int cram_major_vers(cram_fd* fd)

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int cram_minor_vers(cram_fd* fd)

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cram_block* cram_new_block(cram_content_type content_type, int content_id)

@{ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CRAM blocks - the dynamically growable data block. We have code to create, update, (un)compress and read/write.

cram_container* cram_new_container(int nrec, int nslice)

@{ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Containers

cram_fd* cram_open(const(char)* filename, const(char)* mode)

@{ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The top-level cram opening, closing and option handling

cram_block* cram_read_block(cram_fd* fd)

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cram_container* cram_read_container(cram_fd* fd)

Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.

int cram_seek(cram_fd* fd, off_t offset, int whence)

Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.

int cram_set_header(cram_fd* fd, sam_hdr_t* hdr)

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int cram_set_option(cram_fd* fd, hts_fmt_option opt, ...)

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int cram_set_voption(cram_fd* fd, hts_fmt_option opt, va_list args)

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int cram_store_container(cram_fd* fd, cram_container* c, char* dat, int* size)

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int cram_transcode_rg(cram_fd* in_, cram_fd* out_, cram_container* c, int nrg, int* in_rg, int* out_rg)

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int cram_uncompress_block(cram_block* b)

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int cram_write_block(cram_fd* fd, cram_block* b)

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int cram_write_container(cram_fd* fd, cram_container* h)

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int int32_put_blk(cram_block* b, int val)

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void sam_hdr_free(SAM_hdr* hdr)

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SAM_hdr* sam_hdr_parse_(const(char)* hdr, size_t len)

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struct cram_block

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struct cram_block_compression_hdr

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struct cram_block_slice_hdr

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struct cram_container

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struct cram_fd

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struct cram_file_def

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struct cram_metrics

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struct cram_slice

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struct hFILE

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struct refs_t

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