
Undocumented in source.



alias cram_option = hts_fmt_option

For backwards compatibility

alias hts_id2name_f = const(char)* function(void*, int)

Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.

alias hts_idx_t = __hts_idx_t

Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.

alias hts_itr_multi_destroy = hts_itr_destroy

@param iter Iterator to free

alias hts_itr_multi_query_func = int function(const(hts_idx_t)* idx, hts_itr_t* itr)

Iterator with multiple regions *

alias hts_itr_multi_t = hts_itr_t

Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.

alias hts_itr_query_func = hts_itr_t* function(const(hts_idx_t)* idx, int tid, hts_pos_t beg, hts_pos_t end, hts_readrec_func readrec)

Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.

alias hts_name2id_f = int function(void*, const(char)*)

Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.

alias hts_pair32_t = hts_pair_pos_t

Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.

alias hts_pos_t = int64_t

Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.

alias hts_readrec_func = int function(BGZF* fp, void* data, void* r, int* tid, hts_pos_t* beg, hts_pos_t* end)

Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.

alias hts_seek_func = int function(void* fp, ulong offset, int where)

Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.

alias hts_tell_func = long function(void* fp)

Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.



Flags for hts_idx_load3() ( and also sam_idx_load3(), tbx_idx_load3() )



enum htsCompression

Compression type

enum htsExactFormat

Specific format (SAM, BAM, CRAM, BCF, VCF, TBI, BED, etc.)

enum htsFormatCategory

File I/O * Broad format category (sequence data, variant data, index, regions, etc.)

enum hts_fmt_option

Mostly CRAM only, but this could also include other format options

enum sam_fields



auto hts_bin_first(T l)


auto hts_bin_parent(T l)


int hts_check_EOF(htsFile* fp)

! @abstract Determine whether a given htsFile contains a valid EOF block @return 3 for a non-EOF checkable filetype; 2 for an unseekable file type where EOF cannot be checked; 1 for a valid EOF block; 0 for if the EOF marker is absent when it should be present; -1 (with errno set) on failure @discussion Check if the BGZF end-of-file (EOF) marker is present

int hts_close(htsFile* fp)

! @abstract Close a file handle, flushing buffered data for output streams @param fp The file handle to be closed @return 0 for success, or negative if an error occurred.

int hts_detect_format(hFILE* fp, htsFormat* fmt)

! @abstract Determine format by peeking at the start of a file @param fp File opened for reading, positioned at the beginning @param fmt Format structure that will be filled out on return @return 0 for success, or negative if an error occurred.

int hts_file_type(const(char)* fname)

Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.

char* hts_format_description(const(htsFormat)* format)

! @abstract Get a human-readable description of the file format @param fmt Format structure holding type, version, compression, etc. @return Description string, to be freed by the caller after use.

const(char*) hts_format_file_extension(const(htsFormat)* format)

! @ abstract Returns a string containing the file format extension. @ param format Format structure containing the file type. @ return A string ("sam", "bam", etc) or "?" for unknown formats.

void hts_free(void* ptr)

Wrapper function for free(). Enables memory deallocation across DLL boundary. Should be used by all applications, which are compiled with a different standard library than htslib and call htslib methods that return dynamically allocated data.

const(htsFormat*) hts_get_format(htsFile* fp)

! @abstract Returns the file's format information @param fp The file handle @return Read-only pointer to the file's htsFormat.

int hts_getline(htsFile* fp, int delimiter, kstring_t* str)

?Get line as string from line-oriented flat file (undocumented in hts.h)

htsFile* hts_hopen(hFILE* fp, const(char)* fn, const(char)* mode)

! @abstract Open an existing stream as a SAM/BAM/CRAM/VCF/BCF/etc file @param fn The already-open file handle @param mode Open mode, as per hts_open()

void hts_idx_destroy(hts_idx_t* idx)

@param idx Index structure to free

int hts_idx_finish(hts_idx_t* idx, uint64_t final_offset)

@param idx Index @param final_offset Last file offset @return 0 on success; non-zero on failure.

int hts_idx_fmt(hts_idx_t* idx)

@param idx Index @return One of HTS_FMT_CSI, HTS_FMT_BAI or HTS_FMT_TBI

uint8_t* hts_idx_get_meta(hts_idx_t* idx, uint32_t* l_meta)

@param idx The index @param l_meta Pointer to where the length of the extra data is stored @return Pointer to the extra data if present; NULL otherwise

uint64_t hts_idx_get_n_no_coor(const(hts_idx_t)* idx)

@param idx Index @return Unplaced reads count

int hts_idx_get_stat(const(hts_idx_t)* idx, int tid, uint64_t* mapped, uint64_t* unmapped)

@param idx Index @param tid Target ID @paramout mapped Location to store number of mapped reads @paramout unmapped Location to store number of unmapped reads @return 0 on success; -1 on failure (data not available)

hts_idx_t* hts_idx_init(int n, int fmt, uint64_t offset0, int min_shift, int n_lvls)

@param n Initial number of targets @param fmt Format, one of HTS_FMT_CSI, HTS_FMT_BAI or HTS_FMT_TBI @param offset0 Initial file offset @param min_shift Number of bits for the minimal interval @param n_lvls Number of levels in the binning index @return An initialised hts_idx_t struct on success; NULL on failure

hts_idx_t* hts_idx_load(const(char)* fn, int fmt)

@param fn BAM/BCF/etc filename, to which .bai/.csi/etc will be added or the extension substituted, to search for an existing index file. In case of a non-standard naming, the file name can include the name of the index file delimited with HTS_IDX_DELIM.

hts_idx_t* hts_idx_load2(const(char)* fn, const(char)* fnidx)

@param fn Input BAM/BCF/etc filename @param fnidx The input index filename @return The index, or NULL if an error occurred.

hts_idx_t* hts_idx_load3(const(char)* fn, const(char)* fnidx, int fmt, HTS_IDX_FLAG flags)

@param fn Input BAM/BCF/etc filename @param fnidx The input index filename @param fmt One of the HTS_FMT_* index formats @param flags Flags to alter behaviour (see description) @return The index, or NULL if an error occurred.

int hts_idx_push(hts_idx_t* idx, int tid, hts_pos_t beg, hts_pos_t end, uint64_t offset, int is_mapped)

@param idx Index @param tid Target id @param beg Range start (zero-based) @param end Range end (zero-based, half-open) @param offset File offset @param is_mapped Range corresponds to a mapped read @return 0 on success; -1 on failure

int hts_idx_save(const(hts_idx_t)* idx, const(char)* fn, int fmt)

@param idx Index to be written @param fn Input BAM/BCF/etc filename, to which .bai/.csi/etc will be added @param fmt One of the HTS_FMT_* index formats @return 0 if successful, or negative if an error occurred.

int hts_idx_save_as(const(hts_idx_t)* idx, const(char)* fn, const(char)* fnidx, int fmt)

@param idx Index to be written @param fn Input BAM/BCF/etc filename @param fnidx Output filename, or NULL to add .bai/.csi/etc to @a fn @param fmt One of the HTS_FMT_* index formats @return 0 if successful, or negative if an error occurred.

const(char)** hts_idx_seqnames(const(hts_idx_t)* idx, int* n, hts_id2name_f getid, void* hdr)

@param idx Index @paramout n Location to store the number of targets @param getid Callback function to get the name for a target ID @param hdr Header from indexed file @return An array of pointers to the names on success; NULL on failure

int hts_idx_set_meta(hts_idx_t* idx, uint32_t l_meta, uint8_t* meta, int is_copy)

@param idx The index @param l_meta Length of data @param meta Pointer to the extra data @param is_copy If not zero, a copy of the data is taken @return 0 on success; -1 on failure (out of memory).

int hts_idx_tbi_name(hts_idx_t* idx, int tid, const(char)* name)

@param idx Index @param tid Target identifier @param name Target name @return Index number of name in names list on success; -1 on failure.

void hts_itr_destroy(hts_itr_t* iter)

@param iter Iterator to free

int hts_itr_multi_bam(const(hts_idx_t)* idx, hts_itr_t* iter)

Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.

int hts_itr_multi_cram(const(hts_idx_t)* idx, hts_itr_t* iter)

Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.

int hts_itr_multi_next(htsFile* fd, hts_itr_t* iter, void* r)

@param fp Input file handle @param iter Iterator @param r Pointer to record placeholder @return >= 0 on success, -1 when there is no more data, < -1 on error

int hts_itr_next(BGZF* fp, hts_itr_t* iter, void* r, void* data)

@param fp Input file handle @param iter Iterator @param r Pointer to record placeholder @param data Data passed to the readrec callback @return >= 0 on success, -1 when there is no more data, < -1 on error

hts_itr_t* hts_itr_query(const(hts_idx_t)* idx, int tid, hts_pos_t beg, hts_pos_t end, hts_readrec_func readrec)

@param idx Index @param tid Target ID @param beg Start of region @param end End of region @param readrec Callback to read a record from the input file @return An iterator on success; NULL on failure

hts_itr_t* hts_itr_querys(const(hts_idx_t)* idx, const(char)* reg, hts_name2id_f getid, void* hdr, hts_itr_query_func itr_query, hts_readrec_func readrec)

@param idx Index @param reg Region specifier @param getid Callback function to return the target ID for a name @param hdr Input file header @param itr_query Callback function returning an iterator for a numeric tid, start and end position @param readrec Callback to read a record from the input file @return An iterator on success; NULL on error

hts_itr_t* hts_itr_regions(const(hts_idx_t)* idx, hts_reglist_t* reglist, int count, hts_name2id_f getid, void* hdr, hts_itr_multi_query_func itr_specific, hts_readrec_func readrec, hts_seek_func seek, hts_tell_func tell)

@param idx Index @param reglist Region list @param count Number of items in region list @param getid Callback to convert names to target IDs @param hdr Indexed file header (passed to getid) @param itr_specific Filetype-specific callback function @param readrec Callback to read an input file record @param seek Callback to seek in the input file @param tell Callback to return current input file location @return An iterator on success; NULL on failure

htsFile* hts_open(const(char)* fn, const(char)* mode)

! @abstract Open a sequence data (SAM/BAM/CRAM) or variant data (VCF/BCF) or possibly-compressed textual line-orientated file @param fn The file name or "-" for stdin/stdout. For indexed files with a non-standard naming, the file name can include the name of the index file delimited with HTS_IDX_DELIM @param mode Mode matching / rwa[bceguxz0-9]* / @discussion With 'r' opens for reading; any further format mode letters are ignored as the format is detected by checking the first few bytes or BGZF blocks of the file. With 'w' or 'a' opens for writing or appending, with format specifier letters: b binary format (BAM, BCF, etc) rather than text (SAM, VCF, etc) c CRAM format g gzip compressed u uncompressed z bgzf compressed [0-9] zlib compression level and with non-format option letters (for any of 'r'/'w'/'a'): e close the file on exec(2) (opens with O_CLOEXEC, where supported) x create the file exclusively (opens with O_EXCL, where supported) Note that there is a distinction between 'u' and '0': the first yields plain uncompressed output whereas the latter outputs uncompressed data wrapped in the zlib format. @example rwb .. compressed BCF, BAM, FAI rwbu .. uncompressed BCF rwz .. compressed VCF rw .. uncompressed VCF

htsFile* hts_open_format(const(char)* fn, const(char)* mode, const(htsFormat)* fmt)

! @abstract Open a SAM/BAM/CRAM/VCF/BCF/etc file @param fn The file name or "-" for stdin/stdout @param mode Open mode, as per hts_open() @param fmt Optional format specific parameters @discussion See hts_open() for description of fn and mode. // TODO Update documentation for s/opts/fmt/ Opts contains a format string (sam, bam, cram, vcf, bcf) which will, if defined, override mode. Opts also contains a linked list of hts_opt structures to apply to the open file handle. These can contain things like pointers to the reference or information on compression levels, block sizes, etc.

int hts_opt_add(hts_opt** opts, const(char)* c_arg)

Parses arg and appends it to the option list.

int hts_opt_apply(htsFile* fp, hts_opt* opts)

Applies an hts_opt option list to a given htsFile.

void hts_opt_free(hts_opt* opts)

Frees an hts_opt list.

long hts_parse_decimal(const(char)* str, char** strend, HTS_PARSE_FLAGS flags)

The number may be expressed in scientific notation, and optionally may contain commas in the integer part (before any decimal point or E notation). @param str String to be parsed @param strend If non-NULL, set on return to point to the first character in @a str after those forming the parsed number @param flags Or'ed-together combination of HTS_PARSE_* flags @return Converted value of the parsed number.

int hts_parse_format(htsFormat* opt, const(char)* str)

Accepts a string file format (sam, bam, cram, vcf, bam) optionally followed by a comma separated list of key=value options and splits these up into the fields of htsFormat struct.

int hts_parse_opt_list(htsFormat* opt, const(char)* str)

Tokenise options as (key(=value)?,)*(key(=value)?)? NB: No provision for ',' appearing in the value! Add backslashing rules?

const(char)* hts_parse_reg(const(char)* str, int* beg, int* end)

@param str String to be parsed @param beg Set on return to the 0-based start of the region @param end Set on return to the 1-based end of the region @return Pointer to the colon or '\0' after the reference sequence name, or NULL if @a str could not be parsed.

const(char)* hts_parse_reg64(const(char)* str, hts_pos_t* beg, hts_pos_t* end)

@param str String to be parsed @param beg Set on return to the 0-based start of the region @param end Set on return to the 1-based end of the region @return Pointer to the colon or '\0' after the reference sequence name, or NULL if @a str could not be parsed.

const(char)* hts_parse_region(const(char)* s, int* tid, hts_pos_t* beg, hts_pos_t* end, hts_name2id_f getid, void* hdr, HTS_PARSE_FLAGS flags)

@param str String to be parsed @param tid Set on return (if not NULL) to be reference index (-1 if invalid) @param beg Set on return to the 0-based start of the region @param end Set on return to the 1-based end of the region @param getid Function pointer. Called if not NULL to set tid. @param hdr Caller data passed to getid. @param flags Bitwise HTS_PARSE_* flags listed above. @return Pointer to the byte after the end of the entire region specifier (including any trailing comma) on success, or NULL if @a str could not be parsed.

char** hts_readlines(const(char)* fn, int* _n)

?Get _n lines into buffer from line-oriented flat file; sets _n as number read (undocumented in hts.h)

char** hts_readlist(const(char)* fn, int is_file, int* _n)

! @abstract Parse comma-separated list or read list from a file @param list File name or comma-separated list @param is_file @param _n Size of the output array (number of items read) @return NULL on failure or pointer to newly allocated array of strings

long hts_reg2bin(hts_pos_t beg, hts_pos_t end, int min_shift, int n_lvls)

Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.

hts_reglist_t* hts_reglist_create(char** argv, int argc, int* r_count, void* hdr, hts_name2id_f getid)

@param argv Char array of target:interval elements, e.g. chr1:2500-3600, chr1:5100, chr2 @param argc Number of items in the array @param r_count Pointer to the number of items in the resulting region list @param hdr Header for the sam/bam/cram file @param getid Callback to convert target names to target ids. @return A region list on success, NULL on failure

void hts_reglist_free(hts_reglist_t* reglist, int count)

@param reglist Region list @param count Number of items in the list

int hts_resize(size_t num, size_t size, T* ptr, int flags)

@hideinitializer Template fn to expand a dynamic array of a given type

int hts_resize_array_(size_t , size_t , size_t , void* , void** , int , const(char)* )

Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.

void hts_set_cache_size(htsFile* fp, int n)

! @abstract Adds a cache of decompressed blocks, potentially speeding up seeks. This may not work for all file types (currently it is bgzf only). @param fp The file handle @param n The size of cache, in bytes

int hts_set_fai_filename(htsFile* fp, const(char)* fn_aux)

! @abstract Set .fai filename for a file opened for reading @return 0 for success, negative on failure @discussion Called before *_hdr_read(), this provides the name of a .fai file used to provide a reference list if the htsFile contains no @SQ headers.

int hts_set_opt(htsFile* fp, hts_fmt_option opt, ...)

! @abstract Sets a specified CRAM option on the open file handle. @param fp The file handle open the open file. @param opt The CRAM_OPT_* option. @param ... Optional arguments, dependent on the option used. @return 0 for success, or negative if an error occurred.

int hts_set_thread_pool(htsFile* fp, htsThreadPool* p)

! @abstract Create extra threads to aid compress/decompression for this file @param fp The file handle @param p A pool of worker threads, previously allocated by hts_create_threads(). @return 0 for success, or negative if an error occurred.

int hts_set_threads(htsFile* fp, int n)

! @abstract Create extra threads to aid compress/decompression for this file @param fp The file handle @param n The number of worker threads to create @return 0 for success, or negative if an error occurred. @notes This function creates non-shared threads for use solely by fp. The hts_set_thread_pool function is the recommended alternative.

const(char)* hts_version()

! @abstract Get the htslib version number @return For released versions, a string like "N.N.N"; or git describe output if using a library built within a Git repository.

Manifest constants

enum FT_BCF;
enum FT_BCF_GZ;
enum FT_GZ;
enum FT_STDIN;

hts_file_type() - Convenience function to determine file type

enum FT_UNKN;
enum FT_VCF;
enum FT_VCF_GZ;

hts_file_type() - Convenience function to determine file type


Explicit index file name delimiter, see below


* Indexing * ************//// iterates over unmapped reads sorted at the end of the fil


always returns "no more alignment records"


iterates from the current position to the end of the file


iterates over the entire file


Undocumented in source.


Undocumented in source.


Undocumented in source.


Undocumented in source.


Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.


Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.


Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.


Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.


struct __hts_idx_t

index data (opaque)

struct aux_key_t

? index key

struct cram_fd

see cram.h, sam.h, sam.d

struct htsFile

Data and metadata for an hts file; part of public and private ABI

struct htsFormat

hts file complete file format information

struct htsThreadPool

A combined thread pool and queue allocation size. The pool should already be defined, but qsize may be zero to indicate an appropriate queue size is taken from the pool. Reasons for explicitly setting it could be where many more file descriptors are in use than threads, so keeping memory low is important.

struct hts_itr_t


struct hts_opt

Options for cache, (de)compression, threads, CRAM, etc.

struct hts_pair64_max_t

64-bit start, end coordinate pair tracking max (internally used in hts.c)

struct hts_pair64_t

Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.

struct hts_pair_pos_t

Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.

struct hts_reglist_t

Region list used in iterators (NB: apparently confined to single contig/tid)

struct hts_tpool

see thread_pool.d


enum int HTS_FMT_BAI;

Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.

enum int HTS_FMT_CRAI;

Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.

enum int HTS_FMT_CSI;

Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.

enum int HTS_FMT_TBI;

Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.

const(int)[16] seq_nt16_int;

! @abstract Table for converting a 4-bit encoded nucleotide to about 2 bits. Returns 0/1/2/3 for 1/2/4/8 (i.e., A/C/G/T), or 4 otherwise (0 or ambiguous).

int[] seq_nt16_int;

Undocumented in source.

const(char)[16] seq_nt16_str;

! @abstract Table for converting a 4-bit encoded nucleotide to an IUPAC ambiguity code letter (or '=' when given 0).

const(char)[16] seq_nt16_str;

Undocumented in source.

const(char)[256] seq_nt16_table;

! @abstract Table for converting a nucleotide character to 4-bit encoding. The input character may be either an IUPAC ambiguity code, '=' for 0, or '0'/'1'/'2'/'3' for a result of 1/2/4/8. The result is encoded as 1/2/4/8 for A/C/G/T or combinations of these bits for ambiguous bases.

const(char)[256] seq_nt16_table;

Undocumented in source.
