1 /// D bindings to htslib-1.9 vcf
2 /// Copyright 2018 James S Blachly, MD
3 /// Changes are MIT licensed
4 /// Section numbers refer to VCF Specification v4.2: https://samtools.github.io/hts-specs/VCFv4.2.pdf
5 module htslib.vcf;
7 import std.bitmanip;
8 import std..string: toStringz;
10 extern (C):
12 /// @file htslib/vcf.h
13 /// High-level VCF/BCF variant calling file operations.
14 /*
15     Copyright (C) 2012, 2013 Broad Institute.
16     Copyright (C) 2012-2019 Genome Research Ltd.
18     Author: Heng Li <lh3@sanger.ac.uk>
20 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
21 of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
22 in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
23 to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
24 copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
25 furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
27 The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
28 all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
38 /*
39     todo:
40         - make the function names consistent
41         - provide calls to abstract away structs as much as possible
42  */
44 import core.stdc.stdint;
45 import core.stdc.limits;
46 import core.stdc.assert_;
47 import core.stdc.errno : errno, EINVAL;
48 import htslib.hts;
49 import htslib.kstring: kstring_t, kputc, kputsn, kputw;
50 import htslib.bgzf: BGZF; // normally typedefed as opaque struct in hts.h
51 import htslib.hts_log;  // hts.h imports hts_log.h
52 //#include "hts_defs.h"
53 //#include "hts_endian.h"
55 /*****************
56  * Header struct *
57  *****************/
58 enum {
59     BCF_HL_FLT  = 0, /// header line: FILTER
60     BCF_HL_INFO = 1, /// header line: INFO
61     BCF_HL_FMT  = 2, /// header line: FORMAT
62     BCF_HL_CTG  = 3, /// header line: contig
63     BCF_HL_STR  = 4, /// header line: structured header line TAG=<A=..,B=..>
64     BCF_HL_GEN  = 5, /// header line: generic header line
66     BCF_HT_FLAG = 0, /// header type: FLAG
67     BCF_HT_INT  = 1, /// header type: INTEGER
68     BCF_HT_REAL = 2, /// header type: REAL
69     BCF_HT_STR  = 3, /// header type: STRING
70     BCF_HT_LONG = (BCF_HT_INT | 0x100),  /// BCF_HT_INT, but for int64_t values; VCF only!
72     BCF_VL_FIXED=  0, /// variable length: fixed (?)
73     BCF_VL_VAR  =  1, /// variable length: variable
74     BCF_VL_A    =  2, /// variable length: ?
75     BCF_VL_G    =  3, /// variable length: ?
76     BCF_VL_R    =  4  /// variable length: ?
77 }
79 /* === Dictionary ===
81    The header keeps three dictonaries. The first keeps IDs in the
82    "FILTER/INFO/FORMAT" lines, the second keeps the sequence names and lengths
83    in the "contig" lines and the last keeps the sample names. bcf_hdr_t::dict[]
84    is the actual hash table, which is opaque to the end users. In the hash
85    table, the key is the ID or sample name as a C string and the value is a
86    bcf_idinfo_t struct. bcf_hdr_t::id[] points to key-value pairs in the hash
87    table in the order that they appear in the VCF header. bcf_hdr_t::n[] is the
88    size of the hash table or, equivalently, the length of the id[] arrays.
89 */
91 enum int BCF_DT_ID     = 0; /// dictionary type: ID
92 enum int BCF_DT_CTG    = 1; /// dictionary type: CONTIG
93 enum int BCF_DT_SAMPLE = 2; /// dictionary type: SAMPLE
95 /// Structured representation of a header line (§1.2)
96 struct bcf_hrec_t { // @suppress(dscanner.style.phobos_naming_convention)
97     int type;       /// One of the BCF_HL_* type
98     char *key;      /// The part before '=', i.e. FILTER/INFO/FORMAT/contig/fileformat etc.
99     char *value;    /// Set only for generic lines, NULL for FILTER/INFO, etc.
100     int nkeys;      /// Number of structured fields
101     char **keys;    /// The key=value pairs
102     char **vals;    /// The key=value pairs
103 }
105 ///  ID Dictionary entry
106 struct bcf_idinfo_t {   // @suppress(dscanner.style.phobos_naming_convention)
107     uint64_t[3] info;   /** stores Number:20, var:4, Type:4, ColType:4 in info[0..2]
108                             for BCF_HL_FLT,INFO,FMT and contig length in info[0] for BCF_HL_CTG */
109     bcf_hrec_t *[3] hrec;   /// pointers to header lines for [FILTER, INFO, FORMAT] in order
110     int id;                 /// primary key
111 }
113 /// ID Dictionary k/v
114 struct bcf_idpair_t { // @suppress(dscanner.style.phobos_naming_convention)
115     const(char) *key;        /// header dictionary FILTER/INFO/FORMAT ID key
116     const bcf_idinfo_t *val;/// header dictionary FILTER/INFO/FORMAT ID entry
117 }
119 /// Structured repreentation of VCF header (§1.2)
120 /// Note that bcf_hdr_t structs must always be created via bcf_hdr_init()
121 struct bcf_hdr_t { // @suppress(dscanner.style.phobos_naming_convention)
122     int32_t[3] n;           /// n:the size of the dictionary block in use, (allocated size, m, is below to preserve ABI)
123     bcf_idpair_t *[3] id;   /// ID dictionary {FILTER/INFO/FORMAT, contig, sample} ID key/entry
124     void *[3] dict;         /// hash table
125     char **samples;         /// ?list of samples
126     bcf_hrec_t **hrec;      /// Structured representation of this header line
127     int nhrec;              /// # of header records
128     int dirty;              /// ?
129     int ntransl;            /// for bcf_translate()
130     int *[2] transl;        /// for bcf_translate()
131     int nsamples_ori;       /// for bcf_hdr_set_samples()
132     uint8_t *keep_samples;  /// ?
133     kstring_t mem;          /// ?
134     int32_t[3] m;           /// m: allocated size of the dictionary block in use (see n above)
135 }
137 /// Lookup table used in bcf_record_check
138 /// MAINTAINER: in C header is []
139 extern __gshared uint8_t[16] bcf_type_shift;
141 /**************
142  * VCF record *
143  **************/
145 enum int BCF_BT_NULL   = 0; /// null
146 enum int BCF_BT_INT8   = 1; /// int8
147 enum int BCF_BT_INT16  = 2; /// int16
148 enum int BCF_BT_INT32  = 3; /// int32
149 enum int BCF_BT_INT64  = 4; /// Unofficial, for internal use only per htslib headers
151 enum int BCF_BT_FLOAT  = 5; /// float (32?)
152 enum int BCF_BT_CHAR   = 7; /// char (8 bit)
154 enum int VCF_REF        =  0;   /// ref (e.g. in a gVCF)
155 enum int VCF_SNP        =  1;   /// SNP 
156 enum int VCF_MNP        =  2;   /// MNP
157 enum int VCF_INDEL      =  4;   /// INDEL
158 enum int VCF_OTHER      =  8;   /// other (e.g. SV)
159 enum int VCF_BND        = 16;   /// breakend
160 enum int VCF_OVERLAP    = 32;   /// overlapping deletion, ALT=*
162 /// variant type record embedded in bcf_dec_t
163 /// variant type and the number of bases affected, negative for deletions
164 struct variant_t { // @suppress(dscanner.style.phobos_naming_convention)
165     int type;   /// variant type and the number of bases affected, negative for deletions
166     int n;      /// variant type and the number of bases affected, negative for deletions
167 }
169 /// FORMAT field data (§1.4.2 Genotype fields)
170 struct bcf_fmt_t { // @suppress(dscanner.style.phobos_naming_convention)
171     int id;         /// id: numeric tag id, the corresponding string is bcf_hdr_t::id[BCF_DT_ID][$id].key
172     int n;          /// n: number of values per-sample; size: number of bytes per-sample; type: one of BCF_BT_* types
173     int size;       /// size: number of bytes per-sample; type: one of BCF_BT_* types
174     int type;       /// type: one of BCF_BT_* types
175     uint8_t *p;     /// same as vptr and vptr_* in bcf_info_t below
176     uint32_t p_len;                 /// ?
178     /// ???
179     mixin(bitfields!(
180         uint, "p_off", 31,
181         bool, "p_free", 1));        /// ?
182 }
184 /// INFO field data (§1.4.1 Fixed fields, (8) INFO)
185 struct bcf_info_t { // @suppress(dscanner.style.phobos_naming_convention)
186     int key;        /// key: numeric tag id, the corresponding string is bcf_hdr_t::id[BCF_DT_ID][$key].key
187     int type;       /// type: one of BCF_BT_* types
188     /// Stores a numeric value iff this INFO field is a scalar
189     union V1 {
190         int64_t i;  /// integer value
191         float f;    /// float value
192     }
193     V1 v1;          /// only set if $len==1; for easier access
194     uint8_t *vptr;          /// pointer to data array in bcf1_t->shared.s, excluding the size+type and tag id bytes
195     uint32_t vptr_len;      /// length of the vptr block or, when set, of the vptr_mod block, excluding offset
197     /// vptr offset, i.e., the size of the INFO key plus size+type bytes
198     /// indicates that vptr-vptr_off must be freed; set only when modified and the new
199     ///    data block is bigger than the original
200     mixin(bitfields!(
201         uint, "vptr_off", 31,   
202         bool, "vptr_free", 1));
204     int len;        /// len: vector length, 1 for scalars
205 }
208 enum int BCF1_DIRTY_ID  = 1;    /// ID was edited
209 enum int BCF1_DIRTY_ALS = 2;    /// Allele(s) was edited
210 enum int BCF1_DIRTY_FLT = 4;    /// FILTER was edited
211 enum int BCF1_DIRTY_INF = 8;    /// INFO was edited
213 /// Variable-length data from a VCF record
214 struct bcf_dec_t { // @suppress(dscanner.style.phobos_naming_convention)
215     /// allocated size (high-water mark); do not change 
216     int m_fmt, m_info, m_id, m_als, m_allele, m_flt; 
217     int n_flt;          /// Number of FILTER fields
218     int *flt;           /// FILTER keys in the dictionary
219     char *id;           /// ID
220     char *als;          /// REF+ALT block (\0-seperated)
221     char **allele;      /// allele[0] is the REF (allele[] pointers to the als block); all null terminated
222     bcf_info_t *info;   /// INFO
223     bcf_fmt_t *fmt;     /// FORMAT and individual sample
224     variant_t *var;     /// $var and $var_type set only when set_variant_types called
225     int n_var;          /// variant number(???)
226     int var_type;       /// variant type (TODO: make enum)
227     int shared_dirty;   /// if set, shared.s must be recreated on BCF output (TODO: make enum)
228     int indiv_dirty;    /// if set, indiv.s must be recreated on BCF output (TODO: make enum)
229 }
232 enum int BCF_ERR_CTG_UNDEF   =  1;  /// BCF error: undefined contig
233 enum int BCF_ERR_TAG_UNDEF   =  2;  /// BCF error: undefined tag
234 enum int BCF_ERR_NCOLS       =  4;  /// BCF error: 
235 enum int BCF_ERR_LIMITS      =  8;  /// BCF error: 
236 enum int BCF_ERR_CHAR        = 16;  /// BCF error: 
237 enum int BCF_ERR_CTG_INVALID = 32;  /// BCF error: 
238 enum int BCF_ERR_TAG_INVALID = 64;  /// BCF error: 
240 /**
241     The bcf1_t structure corresponds to one VCF/BCF line. Reading from VCF file
242     is slower because the string is first to be parsed, packed into BCF line
243     (done in vcf_parse), then unpacked into internal bcf1_t structure. If it
244     is known in advance that some of the fields will not be required (notably
245     the sample columns), parsing of these can be skipped by setting max_unpack
246     appropriately.
247     Similarly, it is fast to output a BCF line because the columns (kept in
248     shared.s, indiv.s, etc.) are written directly by bcf_write, whereas a VCF
249     line must be formatted in vcf_format.
250  */
251 struct bcf1_t { // @suppress(dscanner.style.phobos_naming_convention)
252     hts_pos_t pos;  /// Chromosomal position
253     hts_pos_t rlen; /// length of REF
254     int32_t rid;  /// CHROM
255     float qual;   /// QUAL
257     mixin(bitfields!(
258         uint, "n_info", 16,     /// For whatever reason, windows doesn't like uint32_t
259         uint, "n_allele", 16));
261     mixin(bitfields!(
262         uint, "n_fmt", 8,       /// For whatever reason, windows doesn't like uint32_t
263         uint, "n_sample", 24));
265     kstring_t _shared;      /// ??? (name mangled due to D reserved keyword shared)
266     kstring_t indiv;        /// ???
267     bcf_dec_t d;            /// lazy evaluation: $d is not generated by bcf_read(), but by explicitly calling bcf_unpack()
268     int max_unpack;         /// Set to BCF_UN_STR, BCF_UN_FLT, or BCF_UN_INFO to boost performance of vcf_parse when some of the fields won't be needed
269     int unpacked;           /// remember what has been unpacked to allow calling bcf_unpack() repeatedly without redoing the work
270     int[3] unpack_size;     /// the original block size of ID, REF+ALT and FILTER
271     int errcode;    /// one of BCF_ERR_* codes (TODO: make enum)
272 }
274 /*******
275  * API *
276  *******/
278     /***********************************************************************
279      *  BCF and VCF I/O
280      *
281      *  A note about naming conventions: htslib internally represents VCF
282      *  records as bcf1_t data structures, therefore most functions are
283      *  prefixed with bcf_. There are a few exceptions where the functions must
284      *  be aware of both BCF and VCF worlds, such as bcf_parse vs vcf_parse. In
285      *  these cases, functions prefixed with bcf_ are more general and work
286      *  with both BCF and VCF.
287      *
288      ***********************************************************************/
290     /** These macros are defined only for consistency with other parts of htslib */
291     alias bcf_init1     = bcf_init;
292     alias bcf_read1     = bcf_read;
293     alias vcf_read1     = vcf_read;
294     alias bcf_write1    = bcf_write;
295     alias vcf_write1    = vcf_write;
296     alias bcf_destroy1  = bcf_destroy;
297     alias bcf_empty1    = bcf_empty;
298     alias vcf_parse1    = vcf_parse;
299     alias bcf_clear1    = bcf_clear;
300     alias vcf_format1   = vcf_format;
302     /**
303      *  bcf_hdr_init() - create an empty BCF header.
304      *  @param mode    "r" or "w"
305      *
306      *  When opened for writing, the mandatory fileFormat and
307      *  FILTER=PASS lines are added automatically.
308      *
309      * The bcf_hdr_t struct returned by a successful call should be freed
310      * via bcf_hdr_destroy() when it is no longer needed.
311      */
312     bcf_hdr_t *bcf_hdr_init(const(char) *mode);
314     /** Destroy a BCF header struct */
315     void bcf_hdr_destroy(bcf_hdr_t *h);
317     /** Allocate and initialize a bcf1_t object.
318      *
319      * The bcf1_t struct returned by a successful call should be freed
320      * via bcf_destroy() when it is no longer needed.
321      */
322     bcf1_t *bcf_init();
324     /** Deallocate a bcf1_t object */
325     void bcf_destroy(bcf1_t *v);
327     /**
328      *  Same as bcf_destroy() but frees only the memory allocated by bcf1_t,
329      *  not the bcf1_t object itself.
330      */
331     void bcf_empty(bcf1_t *v);
333     /**
334      *  Make the bcf1_t object ready for next read. Intended mostly for
335      *  internal use, the user should rarely need to call this function
336      *  directly.
337      */
338     void bcf_clear(bcf1_t *v);
341     /** bcf_open and vcf_open mode: please see hts_open() in hts.h */
342     alias vcfFile = htsFile;
343     alias bcf_open = hts_open;
344     alias vcf_open = hts_open;
345     alias bcf_close = hts_close;
346     alias vcf_close = hts_close;
348     /// Read a VCF or BCF header
349     /** @param  fp  The file to read the header from
350         @return Pointer to a populated header structure on success;
351                 NULL on failure
353         The bcf_hdr_t struct returned by a successful call should be freed
354         via bcf_hdr_destroy() when it is no longer needed.
355     */
356     bcf_hdr_t *bcf_hdr_read(htsFile *fp);
358     /**
359      *  bcf_hdr_set_samples() - for more efficient VCF parsing when only one/few samples are needed
360      *  @param samples  samples to include or exclude from file or as a comma-separated string.
361      *              LIST|FILE   .. select samples in list/file
362      *              ^LIST|FILE  .. exclude samples from list/file
363      *              -           .. include all samples
364      *              NULL        .. exclude all samples
365      *  @param is_file  @p samples is a file (1) or a comma-separated list (0)
366      *
367      *  The bottleneck of VCF reading is parsing of genotype fields. If the
368      *  reader knows in advance that only subset of samples is needed (possibly
369      *  no samples at all), the performance of bcf_read() can be significantly
370      *  improved by calling bcf_hdr_set_samples after bcf_hdr_read().
371      *  The function bcf_read() will subset the VCF/BCF records automatically
372      *  with the notable exception when reading records via bcf_itr_next().
373      *  In this case, bcf_subset_format() must be called explicitly, because
374      *  bcf_readrec() does not see the header.
375      *
376      *  Returns 0 on success, -1 on error or a positive integer if the list
377      *  contains samples not present in the VCF header. In such a case, the
378      *  return value is the index of the offending sample.
379      */
380     int bcf_hdr_set_samples(bcf_hdr_t *hdr, const(char) *samples, int is_file);
381     /// ditto
382     int bcf_subset_format(const(bcf_hdr_t) *hdr, bcf1_t *rec);
385     /// Write a VCF or BCF header
386     /** @param  fp  Output file
387         @param  h   The header to write
388         @return 0 on success; -1 on failure
389      */
390     int bcf_hdr_write(htsFile *fp, bcf_hdr_t *h);
392     /**
393      * Parse VCF line contained in kstring and populate the bcf1_t struct
394      * The line must not end with \n or \r characters.
395      */
396     int vcf_parse(kstring_t *s, const(bcf_hdr_t) *h, bcf1_t *v);
398     /** The opposite of vcf_parse. It should rarely be called directly, see vcf_write */
399     int vcf_format(const(bcf_hdr_t) *h, const(bcf1_t) *v, kstring_t *s);
401     /// Read next VCF or BCF record
402     /** @param fp  The file to read the record from
403         @param h   The header for the vcf/bcf file
404         @param v   The bcf1_t structure to populate
405         @return 0 on success; -1 on end of file; < -1 on critical error
407 On errors which are not critical for reading, such as missing header
408 definitions in vcf files, zero will be returned but v->errcode will have been
409 set to one of BCF_ERR* codes and must be checked before calling bcf_write().
410      */
411     int bcf_read(htsFile *fp, const(bcf_hdr_t) *h, bcf1_t *v);
413     /**
414      *  bcf_unpack() - unpack/decode a BCF record (fills the bcf1_t::d field)
415      *
416      *  Note that bcf_unpack() must be called even when reading VCF. It is safe
417      *  to call the function repeatedly, it will not unpack the same field
418      *  twice.
419      */
420     int bcf_unpack(bcf1_t *b, int which);
421     enum int BCF_UN_STR  = 1;       /// up to ALT inclusive
422     enum int BCF_UN_FLT  = 2;       /// up to FILTER
423     enum int BCF_UN_INFO = 4;       /// up to INFO
424     enum int BCF_UN_SHR  = (BCF_UN_STR|BCF_UN_FLT|BCF_UN_INFO); /// all shared information
425     enum int BCF_UN_FMT  = 8;       /// unpack format and each sample
426     alias BCF_UN_IND = BCF_UN_FMT;  // a synonymo of BCF_UN_FMT
427     enum int BCF_UN_ALL  = (BCF_UN_SHR|BCF_UN_FMT);             /// everything
429     /**
430      *  bcf_dup() - create a copy of BCF record.
431      *
432      *  Note that bcf_unpack() must be called on the returned copy as if it was
433      *  obtained from bcf_read(). Also note that bcf_dup() calls bcf_sync1(src)
434      *  internally to reflect any changes made by bcf_update_* functions.
435      *
436      *  The bcf1_t struct returned by a successful call should be freed
437      *  via bcf_destroy() when it is no longer needed.
438      */
439     bcf1_t *bcf_dup(bcf1_t *src);
440     /// ditto
441     bcf1_t *bcf_copy(bcf1_t *dst, bcf1_t *src);
443     /// Write one VCF or BCF record. The type is determined at the open() call.
444     /** @param  fp  The file to write to
445         @param  h   The header for the vcf/bcf file
446         @param  v   The bcf1_t structure to write
447         @return 0 on success; -1 on error
448      */
449     int bcf_write(htsFile *fp, bcf_hdr_t *h, bcf1_t *v);
451     /*
452      *  The following functions work only with VCFs and should rarely be called
453      *  directly. Usually one wants to use their bcf_* alternatives, which work
454      *  transparently with both VCFs and BCFs.
455      */
457     /// Read a VCF format header
458     /** @param  fp  The file to read the header from
459         @return Pointer to a populated header structure on success;
460                 NULL on failure
462         Use bcf_hdr_read() instead.
464         The bcf_hdr_t struct returned by a successful call should be freed
465         via bcf_hdr_destroy() when it is no longer needed.
466     */
467     bcf_hdr_t *vcf_hdr_read(htsFile *fp);
469     /// Write a VCF format header
470     /** @param  fp  Output file
471         @param  h   The header to write
472         @return 0 on success; -1 on failure
474         Use bcf_hdr_write() instead
475     */
476     int vcf_hdr_write(htsFile *fp, const(bcf_hdr_t) *h);
478     /// Read a record from a VCF file
479     /** @param fp  The file to read the record from
480         @param h   The header for the vcf file
481         @param v   The bcf1_t structure to populate
482         @return 0 on success; -1 on end of file; < -1 on error
484         Use bcf_read() instead
485     */
486     int vcf_read(htsFile *fp, const(bcf_hdr_t) *h, bcf1_t *v);
488     /// Write a record to a VCF file
489     /** @param  fp  The file to write to
490         @param h   The header for the vcf file
491         @param v   The bcf1_t structure to write
492         @return 0 on success; -1 on error
494         Use bcf_write() instead
495     */
496     int vcf_write(htsFile *fp, const(bcf_hdr_t) *h, bcf1_t *v);
498     /** Helper function for the bcf_itr_next() macro; internal use, ignore it */
499     /** NOTE: C API second parameter called "null", mangled here as _null */
500     int bcf_readrec(BGZF *fp, void *_null, void *v, int *tid, hts_pos_t *beg, hts_pos_t *end);
502     /// Write a line to a VCF file
503     /** @param line   Line to write
504         @param fp     File to write it to
505         @return 0 on success; -1 on failure
507         @note No checks are done on the line being added, apart from
508               ensuring that it ends with a newline.  This function
509               should therefore be used with care.
510     */
511     int vcf_write_line(htsFile *fp, kstring_t *line);   // new in htslib-1.10
513     /**************************************************************************
514      *  Header querying and manipulation routines
515      **************************************************************************/
517     /** Create a new header using the supplied template
518      *
519      *  The bcf_hdr_t struct returned by a successful call should be freed
520      *  via bcf_hdr_destroy() when it is no longer needed.
521      */
522     bcf_hdr_t *bcf_hdr_dup(const(bcf_hdr_t) *hdr);
524     /**
525      *  Copy header lines from src to dst if not already present in dst. See also bcf_translate().
526      *  Returns 0 on success or sets a bit on error:
527      *      1 .. conflicting definitions of tag length
528      *      // todo
529      */
530     deprecated("Please use bcf_hdr_merge instead")
531     int bcf_hdr_combine(bcf_hdr_t *dst, const(bcf_hdr_t) *src);
533     /**
534      *  bcf_hdr_merge() - copy header lines from src to dst, see also bcf_translate()
535      *  @param dst: the destination header to be merged into, NULL on the first pass
536      *  @param src: the source header
537      *
538      *  Notes:
539      *      - use as:
540      *          bcf_hdr_t *dst = NULL;
541      *          for (i=0; i<nsrc; i++) dst = bcf_hdr_merge(dst,src[i]);
542      *
543      *      - bcf_hdr_merge() replaces bcf_hdr_combine() which had a problem when
544      *      combining multiple BCF headers. The current bcf_hdr_combine()
545      *      does not have this problem, but became slow when used for many files.
546      */
547     bcf_hdr_t *bcf_hdr_merge(bcf_hdr_t *dst, const(bcf_hdr_t) *src);
549     /**
550      *  bcf_hdr_add_sample() - add a new sample.
551      *  @param sample:  sample name to be added
552      *
553      *  Note:
554      *      After all samples have been added, the internal header structure must be updated
555      *      by calling bcf_hdr_sync(). This is normally done automatically by the first bcf_hdr_write()
556      *      or bcf_write() call. Otherwise, the caller must force the update by calling bcf_hdr_sync()
557      *      explicitly.
558      */
559     int bcf_hdr_add_sample(bcf_hdr_t *hdr, const(char) *sample);
561     /** Read VCF header from a file and update the header */
562     int bcf_hdr_set(bcf_hdr_t *hdr, const(char) *fname);
564     /// Appends formatted header text to _str_.
565     /** If _is_bcf_ is zero, `IDX` fields are discarded.
566      *  @return 0 if successful, or negative if an error occurred
567      *  @since 1.4
568      */
569     int bcf_hdr_format(const(bcf_hdr_t) *hdr, int is_bcf, kstring_t *str);
571     /** Returns formatted header (newly allocated string) and its length,
572      *  excluding the terminating \0. If is_bcf parameter is unset, IDX
573      *  fields are discarded.
574      *  @deprecated Use bcf_hdr_format() instead as it can handle huge headers.
575      */
576     deprecated("use bcf_hdr_format() instead")
577     char *bcf_hdr_fmt_text(const(bcf_hdr_t) *hdr, int is_bcf, int *len);
579     /** Append new VCF header line, returns 0 on success */
580     int bcf_hdr_append(bcf_hdr_t *h, const(char) *line);
582     int bcf_hdr_printf(bcf_hdr_t *h, const(char) *format, ...);
584     /** VCF version, e.g. VCFv4.2 */
585     const(char) *bcf_hdr_get_version(const(bcf_hdr_t) *hdr);
587     /// Set version in bcf header
588     /**
589        @param hdr     BCF header struct
590        @param version Version to set, e.g. "VCFv4.3"
591        @return 0 on success; < 0 on error
592      */
593     /// NB: mangled second parameter to _version
594     void bcf_hdr_set_version(bcf_hdr_t *hdr, const(char) *_version);
596     /**
597      *  bcf_hdr_remove() - remove VCF header tag
598      *  @param type:      one of BCF_HL_*
599      *  @param key:       tag name or NULL to remove all tags of the given type
600      */
601     void bcf_hdr_remove(bcf_hdr_t *h, int type, const(char) *key);
603     /**
604      *  bcf_hdr_subset() - creates a new copy of the header removing unwanted samples
605      *  @param n:        number of samples to keep
606      *  @param samples:  names of the samples to keep
607      *  @param imap:     mapping from index in @samples to the sample index in the original file
608      *
609      *  Sample names not present in h0 are ignored. The number of unmatched samples can be checked
610      *  by comparing n and bcf_hdr_nsamples(out_hdr).
611      *  This function can be used to reorder samples.
612      *  See also bcf_subset() which subsets individual records.
613      *  The bcf_hdr_t struct returned by a successful call should be freed
614      *  via bcf_hdr_destroy() when it is no longer needed.
615      */
616     /// NOTE: char *const* samples really exmplifies what I hate about C pointers
617     /// My interpretation of this is it is equivalent to char **samples, but that the outer pointer is const
618     /// which in D would be const(char *)*samples. I don't know what it implies about constancy of *samples or samples.
619     bcf_hdr_t *bcf_hdr_subset(const(bcf_hdr_t) *h0, int n, const(char *)*samples, int *imap);
620     //bcf_hdr_t *bcf_hdr_subset(const(bcf_hdr_t) *h0, int n, char *const* samples, int *imap);
622     /** Creates a list of sequence names. It is up to the caller to free the list (but not the sequence names) */
623     const(char) **bcf_hdr_seqnames(const(bcf_hdr_t) *h, int *nseqs);
625     /** Get number of samples */
626     pragma(inline, true) auto bcf_hdr_nsamples(bcf_hdr_t *hdr) { return hdr.n[BCF_DT_SAMPLE]; }
627     //#define bcf_hdr_nsamples(hdr) (hdr)->n[BCF_DT_SAMPLE]
630     /* The following functions are for internal use and should rarely be called directly */
631     int bcf_hdr_parse(bcf_hdr_t *hdr, char *htxt);
633     /// Synchronize internal header structures
634     /** @param h  Header
635         @return 0 on success, -1 on failure
637         This function updates the id, sample and contig arrays in the
638         bcf_hdr_t structure so that they point to the same locations as
639         the id, sample and contig dictionaries.
640     */
641     int bcf_hdr_sync(bcf_hdr_t *h);
643     bcf_hrec_t *bcf_hdr_parse_line(const(bcf_hdr_t) *h, const(char) *line, int *len);
645     /// Convert a bcf header record to string form
646     /**
647      * @param hrec    Header record
648      * @param str     Destination kstring
649      * @return 0 on success; < 0 on error
650      */
651     int bcf_hrec_format(const(bcf_hrec_t) *hrec, kstring_t *str);
653     int bcf_hdr_add_hrec(bcf_hdr_t *hdr, bcf_hrec_t *hrec);
655     /**
656      *  bcf_hdr_get_hrec() - get header line info
657      *  @param type:  one of the BCF_HL_* types: FLT,INFO,FMT,CTG,STR,GEN
658      *  @param key:   the header key for generic lines (e.g. "fileformat"), any field
659      *                  for structured lines, typically "ID".
660      *  @param value: the value which pairs with key. Can be be NULL for BCF_HL_GEN
661      *  @param str_class: the class of BCF_HL_STR line (e.g. "ALT" or "SAMPLE"), otherwise NULL
662      */
663     bcf_hrec_t *bcf_hdr_get_hrec(const(bcf_hdr_t) *hdr, int type, const(char) *key, const(char) *value,
664                                                                                     const(char) *str_class);
665     /// Duplicate a header record
666     /** @param hrec   Header record to copy
667         @return A new header record on success; NULL on failure
669         The bcf_hrec_t struct returned by a successful call should be freed
670         via bcf_hrec_destroy() when it is no longer needed.
671     */
672     bcf_hrec_t *bcf_hrec_dup(bcf_hrec_t *hrec);
674     /// Add a new header record key
675     /** @param hrec  Header record
676         @param str   Key name
677         @param len   Length of @p str
678         @return 0 on success; -1 on failure
679     */
680     void bcf_hrec_add_key(bcf_hrec_t *hrec, const(char) *str, size_t len);
682     /// Set a header record value
683     /** @param hrec      Header record
684         @param i         Index of value
685         @param str       Value to set
686         @param len       Length of @p str
687         @param is_quoted Value should be quoted
688         @return 0 on success; -1 on failure
689     */
690     void bcf_hrec_set_val(bcf_hrec_t *hrec, int i, const(char) *str, size_t len, int is_quoted);
692     /// Lookup header record by key
693     int bcf_hrec_find_key(bcf_hrec_t *hrec, const(char) *key);
695     /// Add an IDX header record
696     /** @param hrec   Header record
697         @param idx    IDX value to add
698         @return 0 on success; -1 on failure
699     */
700     void hrec_add_idx(bcf_hrec_t *hrec, int idx);
702     /// Free up a header record and associated structures
703     /** @param hrec  Header record
704      */
705     void bcf_hrec_destroy(bcf_hrec_t *hrec);
709     /**************************************************************************
710      *  Individual record querying and manipulation routines
711      **************************************************************************/
713     /** See the description of bcf_hdr_subset() */
714     int bcf_subset(const(bcf_hdr_t) *h, bcf1_t *v, int n, int *imap);
716     /**
717      *  bcf_translate() - translate tags ids to be consistent with different header. This function
718      *                    is useful when lines from multiple VCF need to be combined.
719      *  @dst_hdr:   the destination header, to be used in bcf_write(), see also bcf_hdr_combine()
720      *  @src_hdr:   the source header, used in bcf_read()
721      *  @src_line:  line obtained by bcf_read()
722      */
723     int bcf_translate(const(bcf_hdr_t) *dst_hdr, bcf_hdr_t *src_hdr, bcf1_t *src_line);
725     /**
726      *  bcf_get_variant_type[s]()  - returns one of VCF_REF, VCF_SNP, etc
727      */
728     int bcf_get_variant_types(bcf1_t *rec);
729     /// ditto
730     int bcf_get_variant_type(bcf1_t *rec, int ith_allele);
731     /// returns int as ersatz bool, but dlang bool is 8-bit
732     int bcf_is_snp(bcf1_t *v);
734     /**
735      *  bcf_update_filter() - sets the FILTER column
736      *  @flt_ids:  The filter IDs to set, numeric IDs returned by bcf_hdr_id2int(hdr, BCF_DT_ID, "PASS")
737      *  @n:        Number of filters. If n==0, all filters are removed
738      *  Returns:    zero
739      */
740     int bcf_update_filter(const(bcf_hdr_t) *hdr, bcf1_t *line, int *flt_ids, int n);
741     /**
742      *  bcf_add_filter() - adds to the FILTER column
743      *  @flt_id:   filter ID to add, numeric ID returned by bcf_hdr_id2int(hdr, BCF_DT_ID, "PASS")
744      *
745      *  If flt_id is PASS, all existing filters are removed first. If other than PASS, existing PASS is removed.
746      */
747     int bcf_add_filter(const(bcf_hdr_t) *hdr, bcf1_t *line, int flt_id);
748     /**
749      *  bcf_remove_filter() - removes from the FILTER column
750      *  @flt_id:   filter ID to remove, numeric ID returned by bcf_hdr_id2int(hdr, BCF_DT_ID, "PASS")
751      *  @pass:     when set to 1 and no filters are present, set to PASS
752      */
753     int bcf_remove_filter(const(bcf_hdr_t) *hdr, bcf1_t *line, int flt_id, int pass);
754     /**
755      *  Returns 1 if present, 0 if absent, or -1 if filter does not exist. "PASS" and "." can be used interchangeably.
756      */
757     int bcf_has_filter(const(bcf_hdr_t) *hdr, bcf1_t *line, char *filter);
758     /**
759      *  bcf_update_alleles() and bcf_update_alleles_str() - update REF and ALLT column
760      *  @alleles:           Array of alleles
761      *  @nals:              Number of alleles
762      *  @alleles_string:    Comma-separated alleles, starting with the REF allele
763      */
764     int bcf_update_alleles(const(bcf_hdr_t) *hdr, bcf1_t *line, const(char) **alleles, int nals);
765     /// ditto
766     int bcf_update_alleles_str(const(bcf_hdr_t) *hdr, bcf1_t *line, const(char) *alleles_string);
768     /**
769       *  bcf_update_id() - sets new ID string
770       *  bcf_add_id() - adds to the ID string checking for duplicates
771       */
772     int bcf_update_id(const(bcf_hdr_t) *hdr, bcf1_t *line, const(char) *id);
773     /// ditto
774     int bcf_add_id(const(bcf_hdr_t) *hdr, bcf1_t *line, const(char) *id);
776     /**
777      *  bcf_update_info_*() - functions for updating INFO fields
778      *  @param hdr:       the BCF header
779      *  @param line:      VCF line to be edited
780      *  @param key:       the INFO tag to be updated
781      *  @param values:    pointer to the array of values. Pass NULL to remove the tag.
782      *  @param n:         number of values in the array. When set to 0, the INFO tag is removed
783      *  @return 0 on success or negative value on error.
784      *
785      *  The @p string in bcf_update_info_flag() is optional,
786      *  @p n indicates whether the flag is set or removed.
787      *
788      */
789     pragma(inline, true) {    // TODO: rewrite as template
790         auto bcf_update_info_int32(const(bcf_hdr_t) *hdr, bcf1_t *line, const(char) *key, const(void) *values, int n) // @suppress(dscanner.style.undocumented_declaration)
791             { return bcf_update_info(hdr, line, key, values, n, BCF_HT_INT); }
792         auto bcf_update_info_float(const(bcf_hdr_t) *hdr, bcf1_t *line, const(char) *key, const(void) *values, int n) // @suppress(dscanner.style.undocumented_declaration)
793             { return bcf_update_info(hdr, line, key, values, n, BCF_HT_REAL); }
794         auto bcf_update_info_flag(const(bcf_hdr_t) *hdr, bcf1_t *line, const(char) *key, const(void) *values, int n) // @suppress(dscanner.style.undocumented_declaration)
795             { return bcf_update_info(hdr, line, key, values, n, BCF_HT_FLAG); }
796         auto bcf_update_info_string(const(bcf_hdr_t) *hdr, bcf1_t *line, const(char) *key, const(void) *values) // @suppress(dscanner.style.undocumented_declaration)
797             { return bcf_update_info(hdr, line, key, values, 1, BCF_HT_STR); }
798     }
799     int bcf_update_info(const(bcf_hdr_t) *hdr, bcf1_t *line, const(char) *key, const(void) *values, int n, int type);
801     /// Set or update 64-bit integer INFO values
802     /**
803      *  @param hdr:       the BCF header
804      *  @param line:      VCF line to be edited
805      *  @param key:       the INFO tag to be updated
806      *  @param values:    pointer to the array of values. Pass NULL to remove the tag.
807      *  @param n:         number of values in the array. When set to 0, the INFO tag is removed
808      *  @return 0 on success or negative value on error.
809      *
810      *  This function takes an int64_t values array as input.  The data
811      *  actually stored will be shrunk to the minimum size that can
812      *  accept all of the values.
813      *
814      *  INFO values outside of the range BCF_MIN_BT_INT32 to BCF_MAX_BT_INT32
815      *  can only be written to VCF files.
816      */
817     pragma(inline, true)
818     auto bcf_update_info_int64( const(bcf_hdr_t) *hdr, bcf1_t *line,
819                                 const(char) *key,
820                                 const(int64_t) *values, int n)
821     {
822         return bcf_update_info(hdr, line, key, values, n, BCF_HT_LONG);
823     }
825     /**
826      *  bcf_update_format_*() - functions for updating FORMAT fields
827      *  @values:    pointer to the array of values, the same number of elements
828      *              is expected for each sample. Missing values must be padded
829      *              with bcf_*_missing or bcf_*_vector_end values.
830      *  @n:         number of values in the array. If n==0, existing tag is removed.
831      *
832      *  The function bcf_update_format_string() is a higher-level (slower) variant of
833      *  bcf_update_format_char(). The former accepts array of \0-terminated strings
834      *  whereas the latter requires that the strings are collapsed into a single array
835      *  of fixed-length strings. In case of strings with variable length, shorter strings
836      *  can be \0-padded. Note that the collapsed strings passed to bcf_update_format_char()
837      *  are not \0-terminated.
838      *
839      *  Returns 0 on success or negative value on error.
840      */
841     int bcf_update_format_string(const(bcf_hdr_t) *hdr, bcf1_t *line, const(char) *key, const(char) **values, int n);
842     /// ditto
843     int bcf_update_format(const(bcf_hdr_t) *hdr, bcf1_t *line, const(char) *key, const(void) *values, int n, int type);
844     // TODO: Write D template
845     pragma(inline, true) {
846         auto bcf_update_format_int32(const(bcf_hdr_t) *hdr, bcf1_t *line, const(char) *key, const(int) *values, int n) // @suppress(dscanner.style.undocumented_declaration)
847             { return bcf_update_format(hdr, line, key, values, n, BCF_HT_INT); }
848         auto bcf_update_format_float(const(bcf_hdr_t) *hdr, bcf1_t *line, const(char) *key, const(float) *values, int n) // @suppress(dscanner.style.undocumented_declaration)
849             { return bcf_update_format(hdr, line, key, values, n, BCF_HT_REAL); }
850         auto bcf_update_format_char(const(bcf_hdr_t) *hdr, bcf1_t *line, const(char) *key, const(char) **values, int n) // @suppress(dscanner.style.undocumented_declaration)
851             { return bcf_update_format(hdr, line, key, values, n, BCF_HT_STR); }
852         auto bcf_update_genotypes(const(bcf_hdr_t) *hdr, bcf1_t *line, const(char) **gts, int n) // @suppress(dscanner.style.undocumented_declaration)
853             { return bcf_update_format(hdr, line, toStringz("GT"c), gts, n, BCF_HT_INT); }
854     }
857     /// Macros for setting genotypes correctly, for use with bcf_update_genotypes only; idx corresponds
858     /// to VCF's GT (1-based index to ALT or 0 for the reference allele) and val is the opposite, obtained
859     /// from bcf_get_genotypes() below.
860     // TODO: is int appropriate?
861     pragma(inline, true) {
862         auto bcf_gt_phased(int idx)     { return (((idx)+1)<<1|1);  }
863         /// ditto
864         auto bcf_gt_unphased(int idx)   { return (((idx)+1)<<1);    }
865         /// ditto
866         auto bcf_gt_is_missing(int val) { return ((val)>>1 ? 0 : 1);}
867         /// ditto
868         auto bcf_gt_is_phased(int idx)  { return ((idx)&1);         }
869         /// ditto
870         auto bcf_gt_allele(int val)     { return (((val)>>1)-1);    }
871     }
872     /// ditto
873     enum int bcf_gt_missing = 0;
875     /** Conversion between alleles indexes to Number=G genotype index (assuming diploid, all 0-based) */
876     pragma(inline, true) {
877         auto bcf_alleles2gt(int a, int b) { return ((a)>(b)?((a)*((a)+1)/2+(b)):((b)*((b)+1)/2+(a))); }
878         /// ditto
879         void bcf_gt2alleles(int igt, int *a, int *b)
880         {
881             int k = 0, dk = 1; // @suppress(dscanner.useless-initializer)
882             while ( k<igt ) { dk++; k += dk; }
883             *b = dk - 1; *a = igt - k + *b;
884         }
885     }
887     /**
888      * bcf_get_fmt() - returns pointer to FORMAT's field data
889      * @header: for access to BCF_DT_ID dictionary
890      * @line:   VCF line obtained from vcf_parse1
891      * @fmt:    one of GT,PL,...
892      *
893      * Returns bcf_fmt_t* if the call succeeded, or returns NULL when the field
894      * is not available.
895      */
896     bcf_fmt_t *bcf_get_fmt(const(bcf_hdr_t) *hdr, bcf1_t *line, const(char) *key);
897     /// ditto
898     bcf_info_t *bcf_get_info(const(bcf_hdr_t) *hdr, bcf1_t *line, const(char) *key);
900     /**
901      * bcf_get_*_id() - returns pointer to FORMAT/INFO field data given the header index instead of the string ID
902      * @line: VCF line obtained from vcf_parse1
903      * @id:  The header index for the tag, obtained from bcf_hdr_id2int()
904      *
905      * Returns bcf_fmt_t* / bcf_info_t*. These functions do not check if the index is valid
906      * as their goal is to avoid the header lookup.
907      */
908     bcf_fmt_t *bcf_get_fmt_id(bcf1_t *line, const int id);
909     /// ditto
910     bcf_info_t *bcf_get_info_id(bcf1_t *line, const int id);
912     /**
913      *  bcf_get_info_*() - get INFO values, integers or floats
914      *  @param hdr:    BCF header
915      *  @param line:   BCF record
916      *  @param tag:    INFO tag to retrieve
917      *  @param dst:    *dst is pointer to a memory location, can point to NULL
918      *  @param ndst:   pointer to the size of allocated memory
919      *  @return  >=0 on success
920      *          -1 .. no such INFO tag defined in the header
921      *          -2 .. clash between types defined in the header and encountered in the VCF record
922      *          -3 .. tag is not present in the VCF record
923      *          -4 .. the operation could not be completed (e.g. out of memory)
924      *
925      *  Returns negative value on error or the number of values (including
926      *  missing values) put in *dst on success. bcf_get_info_string() returns
927      *  on success the number of characters stored excluding the nul-
928      *  terminating byte. bcf_get_info_flag() does not store anything in *dst
929      *  but returns 1 if the flag is set or 0 if not.
930      *
931      *  *dst will be reallocated if it is not big enough (i.e. *ndst is too
932      *  small) or NULL on entry.  The new size will be stored in *ndst.
933      */
934     pragma(inline, true) {
935         auto bcf_get_info_int32(const(bcf_hdr_t) *hdr, bcf1_t *line, const(char) *tag, void **dst, int *ndst) // @suppress(dscanner.style.undocumented_declaration)
936             { return bcf_get_info_values(hdr, line, tag, cast(void**) dst, ndst, BCF_HT_INT); }
937         auto bcf_get_info_float(const(bcf_hdr_t) *hdr, bcf1_t *line, const(char) *tag, void **dst, int *ndst) // @suppress(dscanner.style.undocumented_declaration)
938             { return bcf_get_info_values(hdr, line, tag, cast(void**) dst, ndst, BCF_HT_REAL); }
939         auto bcf_get_info_string(const(bcf_hdr_t) *hdr, bcf1_t *line, const(char) *tag, void **dst, int *ndst) // @suppress(dscanner.style.undocumented_declaration)
940             { return bcf_get_info_values(hdr, line, tag, cast(void**) dst, ndst, BCF_HT_STR); }
941         auto bcf_get_info_flag(const(bcf_hdr_t) *hdr, bcf1_t *line, const(char) *tag, void **dst, int *ndst) // @suppress(dscanner.style.undocumented_declaration)
942             { return bcf_get_info_values(hdr, line, tag, cast(void**) dst, ndst, BCF_HT_FLAG); }
943     }
944     int bcf_get_info_values(const(bcf_hdr_t) *hdr, bcf1_t *line, const(char) *tag, void **dst, int *ndst, int type);
946     /// Put integer INFO values into an int64_t array
947     /**
948      *  @param hdr:    BCF header
949      *  @param line:   BCF record
950      *  @param tag:    INFO tag to retrieve
951      *  @param dst:    *dst is pointer to a memory location, can point to NULL
952      *  @param ndst:   pointer to the size of allocated memory
953      *  @return  >=0 on success
954      *          -1 .. no such INFO tag defined in the header
955      *          -2 .. clash between types defined in the header and encountered in the VCF record
956      *          -3 .. tag is not present in the VCF record
957      *          -4 .. the operation could not be completed (e.g. out of memory)
958      *
959      *  Returns negative value on error or the number of values (including
960      *  missing values) put in *dst on success.
961      *
962      *  *dst will be reallocated if it is not big enough (i.e. *ndst is too
963      *  small) or NULL on entry.  The new size will be stored in *ndst.
964      */
965     pragma(inline, true)
966     auto bcf_get_info_int64(const(bcf_hdr_t) *hdr, bcf1_t *line,
967                                          const(char) *tag, int64_t **dst,
968                                          int *ndst)
969     {
970         return bcf_get_info_values(hdr, line, tag,
971                                    cast(void **) dst, ndst, BCF_HT_LONG);
972     }
974     /**
975      *  bcf_get_format_*() - same as bcf_get_info*() above
976      *
977      *  The function bcf_get_format_string() is a higher-level (slower) variant of bcf_get_format_char().
978      *  see the description of bcf_update_format_string() and bcf_update_format_char() above.
979      *  Unlike other bcf_get_format__*() functions, bcf_get_format_string() allocates two arrays:
980      *  a single block of \0-terminated strings collapsed into a single array and an array of pointers
981      *  to these strings. Both arrays must be cleaned by the user.
982      *
983      *  Returns negative value on error or the number of written values on success.
984      *
985      *  Use the returned number of written values for accessing valid entries of dst, as ndst is only a
986      *  watermark that can be higher than the returned value, i.e. the end of dst can contain carry-over
987      *  values from previous calls to bcf_get_format_*() on lines with more values per sample.
988      *
989      *  Example:
990      *      int ndst = 0; char **dst = NULL;
991      *      if ( bcf_get_format_string(hdr, line, "XX", &dst, &ndst) > 0 )
992      *          for (i=0; i<bcf_hdr_nsamples(hdr); i++) printf("%s\n", dst[i]);
993      *      free(dst[0]); free(dst);
994      *
995      *  Example:
996      *      int i, j, ngt, nsmpl = bcf_hdr_nsamples(hdr);
997      *      int32_t *gt_arr = NULL, ngt_arr = 0;
998      *
999      *      ngt = bcf_get_genotypes(hdr, line, &gt_arr, &ngt_arr);
1000      *      if ( ngt<=0 ) return; // GT not present
1001      *
1002      *      int max_ploidy = ngt/nsmpl;
1003      *      for (i=0; i<nsmpl; i++)
1004      *      {
1005      *        int32_t *ptr = gt + i*max_ploidy;
1006      *        for (j=0; j<max_ploidy; j++)
1007      *        {
1008      *           // if true, the sample has smaller ploidy
1009      *           if ( ptr[j]==bcf_int32_vector_end ) break;
1010      *
1011      *           // missing allele
1012      *           if ( bcf_gt_is_missing(ptr[j]) ) continue;
1013      *
1014      *           // the VCF 0-based allele index
1015      *           int allele_index = bcf_gt_allele(ptr[j]);
1016      *
1017      *           // is phased?
1018      *           int is_phased = bcf_gt_is_phased(ptr[j]);
1019      *
1020      *           // .. do something ..
1021      *         }
1022      *      }
1023      *      free(gt_arr);
1024      *
1025      */
1026     int bcf_get_format_string(const(bcf_hdr_t) *hdr, bcf1_t *line, const(char) *tag, char ***dst, int *ndst);
1027     /// ditto
1028     int bcf_get_format_values(const(bcf_hdr_t) *hdr, bcf1_t *line, const(char) *tag, void **dst, int *ndst, int type);
1029     pragma(inline, true) {
1030         auto bcf_get_format_int32(const(bcf_hdr_t) *hdr, bcf1_t *line, const(char) *tag, void **dst, int *ndst) // @suppress(dscanner.style.undocumented_declaration) // @suppress(dscanner.style.long_line)
1031             { return bcf_get_format_values(hdr, line, tag, cast(void**) dst, ndst, BCF_HT_INT); }
1032         auto bcf_get_format_float(const(bcf_hdr_t) *hdr, bcf1_t *line, const(char) *tag, void **dst, int *ndst) // @suppress(dscanner.style.undocumented_declaration) // @suppress(dscanner.style.long_line)
1033             { return bcf_get_format_values(hdr, line, tag, cast(void**) dst, ndst, BCF_HT_REAL); }
1034         auto bcf_get_format_char(const(bcf_hdr_t) *hdr, bcf1_t *line, const(char) *tag, void **dst, int *ndst) // @suppress(dscanner.style.undocumented_declaration) // @suppress(dscanner.style.long_line)
1035             { return bcf_get_format_values(hdr, line, tag, cast(void**) dst, ndst, BCF_HT_STR); }
1036         auto bcf_get_genotypes(const(bcf_hdr_t) *hdr, bcf1_t *line, void **dst, int *ndst) // @suppress(dscanner.style.undocumented_declaration) // @suppress(dscanner.style.long_line)
1037             { return bcf_get_format_values(hdr, line, toStringz("GT"c), cast(void**) dst, ndst, BCF_HT_INT); }
1038     }
1042     /**************************************************************************
1043      *  Helper functions
1044      **************************************************************************/
1046     /**
1047      *  bcf_hdr_id2int() - Translates string into numeric ID
1048      *  bcf_hdr_int2id() - Translates numeric ID into string
1049      *  @type:     one of BCF_DT_ID, BCF_DT_CTG, BCF_DT_SAMPLE
1050      *  @id:       tag name, such as: PL, DP, GT, etc.
1051      *
1052      *  Returns -1 if string is not in dictionary, otherwise numeric ID which identifies
1053      *  fields in BCF records.
1054      */
1055     int bcf_hdr_id2int(const(bcf_hdr_t) *hdr, int type, const(char) *id);
1056     /// ditto
1057     pragma(inline, true)
1058     auto bcf_hdr_int2id(const(bcf_hdr_t) *hdr, int type, int int_id)
1059         { return hdr.id[type][int_id].key; }
1060     //#define bcf_hdr_int2id(hdr,type,int_id) ((hdr)->id[type][int_id].key)
1062     /**
1063      *  bcf_hdr_name2id() - Translates sequence names (chromosomes) into numeric ID
1064      *  bcf_hdr_id2name() - Translates numeric ID to sequence name
1065      */
1066     pragma(inline, true) int bcf_hdr_name2id(const(bcf_hdr_t) *hdr, const(char) *id) { return bcf_hdr_id2int(hdr, BCF_DT_CTG, id); } // @suppress(dscanner.style.long_line)
1067     /// ditto
1068     pragma(inline, true) const(char) *bcf_hdr_id2name(const(bcf_hdr_t) *hdr, int rid) { return hdr.id[BCF_DT_CTG][rid].key; } // @suppress(dscanner.style.long_line)
1069     /// ditto
1070     pragma(inline, true) const(char) *bcf_seqname(const(bcf_hdr_t) *hdr, bcf1_t *rec) { return hdr.id[BCF_DT_CTG][rec.rid].key; } // @suppress(dscanner.style.long_line)
1072     /**
1073      *  bcf_hdr_id2*() - Macros for accessing bcf_idinfo_t
1074      *  @type:      one of BCF_HL_FLT, BCF_HL_INFO, BCF_HL_FMT
1075      *  @int_id:    return value of bcf_hdr_id2int, must be >=0
1076      *
1077      *  The returned values are:
1078      *     bcf_hdr_id2length   ..  whether the number of values is fixed or variable, one of BCF_VL_*
1079      *     bcf_hdr_id2number   ..  the number of values, 0xfffff for variable length fields
1080      *     bcf_hdr_id2type     ..  the field type, one of BCF_HT_*
1081      *     bcf_hdr_id2coltype  ..  the column type, one of BCF_HL_*
1082      *
1083      *  Notes: Prior to using the macros, the presence of the info should be
1084      *  tested with bcf_hdr_idinfo_exists().
1085      */
1086     // TODO: for dict_type and col_type use ENUMs
1087     pragma(inline, true) {
1088         auto bcf_hdr_id2length(const(bcf_hdr_t) *hdr, int type, int int_id) { return ((hdr).id[BCF_DT_ID][int_id].val.info[type]>>8 & 0xf); } // @suppress(dscanner.style.long_line)
1089         /// ditto
1090         auto bcf_hdr_id2number(const(bcf_hdr_t) *hdr, int type, int int_id) { return ((hdr).id[BCF_DT_ID][int_id].val.info[type]>>12);    } // @suppress(dscanner.style.long_line)
1091         /// ditto
1092         uint32_t bcf_hdr_id2type(const(bcf_hdr_t) *hdr, int type, int int_id)   { return cast(uint32_t)((hdr).id[BCF_DT_ID][int_id].val.info[type]>>4 & 0xf); } // @suppress(dscanner.style.long_line)
1093         /// ditto
1094         uint32_t bcf_hdr_id2coltype(const(bcf_hdr_t) *hdr, int type, int int_id){ return cast(uint32_t)((hdr).id[BCF_DT_ID][int_id].val.info[type] & 0xf); } // @suppress(dscanner.style.long_line)
1095         /// ditto
1096         auto bcf_hdr_idinfo_exists(const(bcf_hdr_t) *hdr, int type, int int_id) { return ((int_id<0 || bcf_hdr_id2coltype(hdr,type,int_id)==0xf) ? 0 : 1); } // @suppress(dscanner.style.long_line)
1097         /// ditto
1098         auto bcf_hdr_id2hrc(const(bcf_hdr_t) *hdr, int dict_type, int col_type, int int_id)
1099             { return ((hdr).id[(dict_type)==BCF_DT_CTG?BCF_DT_CTG:BCF_DT_ID][int_id].val.hrec[(dict_type)==BCF_DT_CTG?0:(col_type)]); } // @suppress(dscanner.style.long_line)
1100     }
1102     /// Convert BCF FORMAT data to string form
1103     /**
1104      * @param s    kstring to write into
1105      * @param n    number of items in @p data
1106      * @param type type of items in @p data
1107      * @param data BCF format data
1108      * @return  0 on success
1109      *         -1 if out of memory
1110      */
1111     int bcf_fmt_array(kstring_t *s, int n, int type, void *data);
1112     /// ditto
1113     uint8_t *bcf_fmt_sized_array(kstring_t *s, uint8_t *ptr);
1115     /// Encode a variable-length char array in BCF format
1116     /**
1117      * @param s    kstring to write into
1118      * @param l    length of input
1119      * @param a    input data to encode
1120      * @return 0 on success; < 0 on error
1121      */
1122     int bcf_enc_vchar(kstring_t *s, int l, const(char) *a);
1124     /// Encode a variable-length integer array in BCF format
1125     /**
1126      * @param s      kstring to write into
1127      * @param n      total number of items in @p a (<= 0 to encode BCF_BT_NULL)
1128      * @param a      input data to encode
1129      * @param wsize  vector length (<= 0 is equivalent to @p n)
1130      * @return 0 on success; < 0 on error
1131      * @note @p n should be an exact multiple of @p wsize
1132      */
1133     int bcf_enc_vint(kstring_t *s, int n, int32_t *a, int wsize);
1135     /// Encode a variable-length float array in BCF format
1136     /**
1137      * @param s      kstring to write into
1138      * @param n      total number of items in @p a (<= 0 to encode BCF_BT_NULL)
1139      * @param a      input data to encode
1140      * @return 0 on success; < 0 on error
1141      */
1142     int bcf_enc_vfloat(kstring_t *s, int n, float *a);
1145     /**************************************************************************
1146      *  BCF index
1147      *
1148      *  Note that these functions work with BCFs only. See synced_bcf_reader.h
1149      *  which provides (amongst other things) an API to work transparently with
1150      *  both indexed BCFs and VCFs.
1151      **************************************************************************/
1153     alias bcf_itr_destroy = hts_itr_destroy;
1155 pragma(inline, true) {
1156     /// Generate an iterator for an integer-based range query
1157     auto bcf_itr_queryi(const(hts_idx_t) *idx, int tid, int beg, int end)
1158         { return hts_itr_query(idx, tid, beg, end, &bcf_readrec); }
1160     /// Generate an iterator for a string-based range query
1161     auto bcf_itr_querys(const(hts_idx_t) *idx, const(bcf_hdr_t) *hdr, const(char) *s)
1162         { return hts_itr_querys(idx, s, cast(hts_name2id_f) &bcf_hdr_name2id, cast(void *) hdr,
1163                                 &hts_itr_query, &bcf_readrec); }
1165     /// Iterate through the range
1166     /// r should (probably) point to your VCF (BCF) row structure
1167     /// TODO: attempt to define parameter r as bcf1_t *, which is what I think it should be
1168     int bcf_itr_next(htsFile *htsfp, hts_itr_t *itr, void *r) {
1169         if (htsfp.is_bgzf)
1170             return hts_itr_next(htsfp.fp.bgzf, itr, r, null);
1172         hts_log_error(__FUNCTION__,"Only bgzf compressed files can be used with iterators");
1173         errno = EINVAL;
1174         return -2;
1175     }
1177 /// Load a BCF index
1178 /** @param fn   BCF file name
1179     @return The index, or NULL if an error occurred.
1180     @note This only works for BCF files.  Consider synced_bcf_reader instead
1181 which works for both BCF and VCF.
1182 */
1183     auto bcf_index_load(const(char) *fn) { return hts_idx_load(fn, HTS_FMT_CSI); }
1185     /// Get a list (char **) of sequence names from the index -- free only the array, not the values
1186     auto bcf_index_seqnames(const(hts_idx_t) *idx, const(bcf_hdr_t) *hdr, int *nptr)
1187         { return hts_idx_seqnames(idx, nptr, cast(hts_id2name_f) &bcf_hdr_id2name, cast(void *) hdr); }
1188 }
1190 /// Load a BCF index from a given index file name
1191 /**  @param fn     Input BAM/BCF/etc filename
1192      @param fnidx  The input index filename
1193      @return  The index, or NULL if an error occurred.
1194      @note This only works for BCF files.  Consider synced_bcf_reader instead
1195 which works for both BCF and VCF.
1196 */
1197     hts_idx_t *bcf_index_load2(const(char) *fn, const(char) *fnidx);
1199 /// Load a BCF index from a given index file name
1200 /**  @param fn     Input BAM/BCF/etc filename
1201      @param fnidx  The input index filename
1202      @param flags  Flags to alter behaviour (see description)
1203      @return  The index, or NULL if an error occurred.
1204      @note This only works for BCF files.  Consider synced_bcf_reader instead
1205 which works for both BCF and VCF.
1207      The @p flags parameter can be set to a combination of the following
1208      values:
1210         HTS_IDX_SAVE_REMOTE   Save a local copy of any remote indexes
1211         HTS_IDX_SILENT_FAIL   Fail silently if the index is not present
1213      Equivalent to hts_idx_load3(fn, fnidx, HTS_FMT_CSI, flags);
1214 */
1215     hts_idx_t *bcf_index_load3(const(char) *fn, const(char) *fnidx, int flags);
1217     /**
1218      *  bcf_index_build() - Generate and save an index file
1219      *  @fn:         Input VCF(compressed)/BCF filename
1220      *  @min_shift:  log2(width of the smallest bin), e.g. a value of 14
1221      *  imposes a 16k base lower limit on the width of index bins.
1222      *  Positive to generate CSI, or 0 to generate TBI. However, a small
1223      *  value of min_shift would create a large index, which would lead to
1224      *  reduced performance when using the index. A recommended value is 14.
1225      *  For BCF files, only the CSI index can be generated.
1226      *
1227      *  Returns 0 if successful, or negative if an error occurred.
1228      *
1229      *  List of error codes:
1230      *      -1 .. indexing failed
1231      *      -2 .. opening @fn failed
1232      *      -3 .. format not indexable
1233      *      -4 .. failed to create and/or save the index
1234      */
1235     int bcf_index_build(const(char) *fn, int min_shift);
1237     /**
1238      *  bcf_index_build2() - Generate and save an index to a specific file
1239      *  @fn:         Input VCF/BCF filename
1240      *  @fnidx:      Output filename, or NULL to add .csi/.tbi to @fn
1241      *  @min_shift:  Positive to generate CSI, or 0 to generate TBI
1242      *
1243      *  Returns 0 if successful, or negative if an error occurred.
1244      *
1245      *  List of error codes:
1246      *      -1 .. indexing failed
1247      *      -2 .. opening @fn failed
1248      *      -3 .. format not indexable
1249      *      -4 .. failed to create and/or save the index
1250      */
1251     int bcf_index_build2(const(char) *fn, const(char) *fnidx, int min_shift);
1253     /**
1254      *  bcf_index_build3() - Generate and save an index to a specific file
1255      *  @fn:         Input VCF/BCF filename
1256      *  @fnidx:      Output filename, or NULL to add .csi/.tbi to @fn
1257      *  @min_shift:  Positive to generate CSI, or 0 to generate TBI
1258      *  @n_threads:  Number of VCF/BCF decoder threads
1259      *
1260      *  Returns 0 if successful, or negative if an error occurred.
1261      *
1262      *  List of error codes:
1263      *      -1 .. indexing failed
1264      *      -2 .. opening @fn failed
1265      *      -3 .. format not indexable
1266      *      -4 .. failed to create and/or save the index
1267      */
1268      int bcf_index_build3(const(char) *fn, const(char) *fnidx, int min_shift, int n_threads);
1270      /// Initialise fp->idx for the current format type, for VCF and BCF files.
1271      /** @param fp        File handle for the data file being written.
1272          @param h         BCF header structured (needed for BAI and CSI).
1273          @param min_shift CSI bin size (CSI default is 14).
1274          @param fnidx     Filename to write index to.  This pointer must remain valid
1275                           until after bcf_idx_save is called.
1276          @return          0 on success, <0 on failure.
1277          @note This must be called after the header has been written, but before
1278                any other data.
1279      */
1280      int bcf_idx_init(htsFile *fp, bcf_hdr_t *h, int min_shift, const(char) *fnidx);
1282      /// Writes the index initialised with bcf_idx_init to disk.
1283      /** @param fp        File handle for the data file being written.
1284          @return          0 on success, <0 on failure.
1285      */
1286      int bcf_idx_save(htsFile *fp);
1288 /*******************
1289  * Typed value I/O *
1290  *******************/
1292 /**
1293     Note that in contrast with BCFv2.1 specification, HTSlib implementation
1294     allows missing values in vectors. For integer types, the values 0x80,
1295     0x8000, 0x80000000 are interpreted as missing values and 0x81, 0x8001,
1296     0x80000001 as end-of-vector indicators.  Similarly for floats, the value of
1297     0x7F800001 is interpreted as a missing value and 0x7F800002 as an
1298     end-of-vector indicator.
1299     Note that the end-of-vector byte is not part of the vector.
1301     This trial BCF version (v2.2) is compatible with the VCF specification and
1302     enables to handle correctly vectors with different ploidy in presence of
1303     missing values.
1304  */
1305 enum int8_t  bcf_int8_vector_end  = (-127);             /* INT8_MIN  + 1 */
1306 /// ditto
1307 enum int16_t bcf_int16_vector_end = (-32_767);          /* INT16_MIN + 1 */
1308 /// ditto
1309 enum int32_t bcf_int32_vector_end = (-2_147_483_647);   /* INT32_MIN + 1 */
1310 /// ditto
1311 enum int64_t bcf_int64_vector_end = (-9_223_372_036_854_775_807L);  /* INT64_MIN + 1 */
1312 /// ditto
1313 enum char bcf_str_vector_end = 0;   //#define bcf_str_vector_end   0
1314 /// ditto
1315 enum int8_t  bcf_int8_missing  = (-128);                /* INT8_MIN  */
1316 /// ditto
1317 enum int16_t bcf_int16_missing = (-32_767-1);           /* INT16_MIN */
1318 /// ditto
1319 enum int32_t bcf_int32_missing = (-2_147_483_647-1);    /* INT32_MIN */
1320 /// ditto
1321 enum int64_t bcf_int64_missing = (-9_223_372_036_854_775_807L - 1L); /* INT64_MIN */
1322 /// ditto
1323 enum char bcf_str_missing = 0x07;   // #define bcf_str_missing      0x07
1325 // Limits on BCF values stored in given types.  Max values are the same
1326 // as for the underlying type.  Min values are slightly different as
1327 // the last 8 values for each type were reserved by BCFv2.2.
1328 enum int8_t  BCF_MAX_BT_INT8  = (0x7f);             /* INT8_MAX  */
1329 enum int16_t BCF_MAX_BT_INT16 = (0x7fff);           /* INT16_MAX */
1330 enum int32_t BCF_MAX_BT_INT32 = (0x7fffffff);       /* INT32_MAX */
1331 enum int8_t  BCF_MIN_BT_INT8  = (-120);             /* INT8_MIN  + 8 */
1332 enum int16_t BCF_MIN_BT_INT16 = (-32_760);          /* INT16_MIN + 8 */
1333 enum int32_t BCF_MIN_BT_INT32 = (-2_147_483_640);   /* INT32_MIN + 8 */
1335 extern __gshared uint32_t bcf_float_vector_end;   /// ditto
1336 extern __gshared uint32_t bcf_float_missing;      /// ditto
1338 version(LDC) pragma(inline, true):
1339 version(GNU) pragma(inline, true):
1340 /** u wot */
1341 void bcf_float_set(float *ptr, uint32_t value)
1342 {
1343     union U { uint32_t i; float f; }
1344     U u;
1345     u.i = value;
1346     *ptr = u.f;
1347 }
1349 /// float vector macros
1350 void bcf_float_set_vector_end(float x) { bcf_float_set(&x, bcf_float_vector_end); }
1351 /// ditto
1352 void bcf_float_set_missing(float x) { bcf_float_set(&x, bcf_float_missing); }
1354 /** u wot */
1355 pragma(inline, true)
1356 int bcf_float_is_missing(float f)
1357 {
1358     union U { uint32_t i; float f; }
1359     U u;
1360     u.f = f;
1361     return u.i==bcf_float_missing ? 1 : 0;
1362 }
1363 /// ditto
1364 pragma(inline, true)
1365 int bcf_float_is_vector_end(float f)
1366 {
1367     union U { uint32_t i; float f; }
1368     U u;
1369     u.f = f;
1370     return u.i==bcf_float_vector_end ? 1 : 0;
1371 }
1373 /// (Undocumented) Format GT field
1374 pragma(inline, true)
1375 int bcf_format_gt(bcf_fmt_t *fmt, int isample, kstring_t *str)
1376 {
1377     uint32_t e = 0;
1378     void branch(T)()    // gets a closure over e (was #define macro)
1379     if (is(T == int8_t) || is(T == int16_t) || is(T == int32_t))
1380     {
1381         static if (is(T == int8_t))
1382             auto vector_end = bcf_int8_vector_end;
1383         else static if (is(T == int16_t))
1384             auto vector_end = bcf_int16_vector_end;
1385         else
1386             auto vector_end = bcf_int32_vector_end;
1388         T *ptr = cast(T*) (fmt.p + (isample * fmt.size));
1389         for (int i=0; i<fmt.n && ptr[i] != vector_end; i++)
1390         {
1391             if ( i ) e |= kputc("/|"[ptr[i]&1], str) < 0;
1392             if ( !(ptr[i]>>1) ) e |= kputc('.', str) < 0;
1393             else e |= kputw((ptr[i]>>1) - 1, str) < 0;
1394         }
1395         if (i == 0) e |= kputc('.', str) < 0;
1396     }
1397     switch (fmt.type) {
1398         case BCF_BT_INT8:  branch!int8_t; break;
1399         case BCF_BT_INT16: branch!int16_t; break;
1400         case BCF_BT_INT32: branch!int32_t; break;
1401         case BCF_BT_NULL:  e |= kputc('.', str) < 0; break;
1402         default: hts_log_error("Unexpected type %d", fmt.type); return -2;
1403     }
1405     return e == 0 ? 0 : -1;
1406 }
1408 /// ditto
1409 /+void bcf_enc_size(kstring_t *s, int size, int type)
1410 {
1411     if (size >= 15) {
1412         kputc(15<<4|type, s);
1413         if (size >= 128) {
1414             if (size >= 32768) {
1415                 int32_t x = size;
1416                 kputc(1<<4|BCF_BT_INT32, s);
1417                 kputsn(cast(char*)&x, 4, s);
1418             } else {
1419                 int16_t x = size;
1420                 kputc(1<<4|BCF_BT_INT16, s);
1421                 kputsn(cast(char*)&x, 2, s);
1422             }
1423         } else {
1424             kputc(1<<4|BCF_BT_INT8, s);
1425             kputc(size, s);
1426         }
1427     } else kputc(size<<4|type, s);
1428 }+/
1429 /// Undocumented Encode size?
1430 pragma(inline, true)
1431 int bcf_enc_size(kstring_t *s, int size, int type)
1432 {
1433     uint32_t e = 0;
1434     if (size >= 15) {
1435         e |= kputc(15<<4|type, s) < 0;
1436         if (size >= 128) {
1437             if (size >= 32_768) {
1438                 int32_t x = size;
1439                 e |= kputc(1<<4|BCF_BT_INT32, s) < 0;
1440                 e |= kputsn(cast(char*)&x, 4, s) < 0;
1441             } else {
1442                 int16_t x = size;
1443                 e |= kputc(1<<4|BCF_BT_INT16, s) < 0;
1444                 e |= kputsn(cast(char*)&x, 2, s) < 0;
1445             }
1446         } else {
1447             e |= kputc(1<<4|BCF_BT_INT8, s) < 0;
1448             e |= kputc(size, s) < 0;
1449         }
1450     } else e |= kputc(size<<4|type, s) < 0;
1451     return e == 0 ? 0 : -1;
1452 }
1455 /// Undocumented Encode integer type?
1456 pragma(inline, true)
1457 int bcf_enc_inttype(long x)
1458 {
1459     if (x <= BCF_MAX_BT_INT8 && x >= BCF_MIN_BT_INT8) return BCF_BT_INT8;
1460     if (x <= BCF_MAX_BT_INT16 && x >= BCF_MIN_BT_INT16) return BCF_BT_INT16;
1461     return BCF_BT_INT32;
1462 }
1464 /// Undocumented Encode integer variant 1
1465 pragma(inline, true)
1466 int bcf_enc_int1(kstring_t *s, int32_t x)
1467 {
1468     uint32_t e = 0;
1469     if (x == bcf_int32_vector_end) {
1470         e |= bcf_enc_size(s, 1, BCF_BT_INT8);
1471         e |= kputc(bcf_int8_vector_end, s) < 0;
1472     } else if (x == bcf_int32_missing) {
1473         e |= bcf_enc_size(s, 1, BCF_BT_INT8);
1474         e |= kputc(bcf_int8_missing, s) < 0;
1475     } else if (x <= BCF_MAX_BT_INT8 && x >= BCF_MIN_BT_INT8) {
1476         e |= bcf_enc_size(s, 1, BCF_BT_INT8);
1477         e |= kputc(x, s) < 0;
1478     } else if (x <= BCF_MAX_BT_INT16 && x >= BCF_MIN_BT_INT16) {
1479         int16_t z = x;
1480         e |= bcf_enc_size(s, 1, BCF_BT_INT16);
1481         e |= kputsn(cast(char*)&z, 2, s) < 0;
1482     } else {
1483         int32_t z = x;
1484         e |= bcf_enc_size(s, 1, BCF_BT_INT32);
1485         e |= kputsn(cast(char*)&z, 4, s) < 0;
1486     }
1487     return e == 0 ? 0 : -1;
1488 }
1491 /// Return the value of a single typed integer.
1492 /** @param      p    Pointer to input data block.
1493     @param      type One of the BCF_BT_INT* type codes
1494     @param[out] q    Location to store an updated value for p
1495     @return The integer value, or zero if @p type is not valid.
1497 If @p type is not one of BCF_BT_INT8, BCF_BT_INT16 or BCF_BT_INT32, zero
1498 will be returned and @p *q will not be updated.  Otherwise, the integer
1499 value will be returned and @p *q will be set to the memory location
1500 immediately following the integer value.
1502 Cautious callers can detect invalid type codes by checking that *q has
1503 actually been updated.
1504 */
1506 /// NOTE: Need hts_endian for le_to_i* functions
1507 /+
1508 pragma(inline, true)
1509 int64_t bcf_dec_int1(const(uint8_t) *p, int type, uint8_t **q)
1510 {
1511     if (type == BCF_BT_INT8) {
1512         *q = cast(uint8_t*)p + 1;
1513         return le_to_i8(p);
1514     } else if (type == BCF_BT_INT16) {
1515         *q = cast(uint8_t*)p + 2;
1516         return le_to_i16(p);
1517     } else if (type == BCF_BT_INT32) {
1518         *q = cast(uint8_t*)p + 4;
1519         return le_to_i32(p);
1520     } else if (type == BCF_BT_INT64) {
1521         *q = cast(uint8_t*)p + 4;
1522         return le_to_i64(p);
1523     } else { // Invalid type.
1524         return 0;
1525     }
1526 }+/
1528 /// Return the value of a single typed integer from a byte stream.
1529 /** @param      p    Pointer to input data block.
1530     @param[out] q    Location to store an updated value for p
1531     @return The integer value, or zero if the type code was not valid.
1533 Reads a one-byte type code from @p p, and uses it to decode an integer
1534 value from the following bytes in @p p.
1536 If the type is not one of BCF_BT_INT8, BCF_BT_INT16 or BCF_BT_INT32, zero
1537 will be returned and @p *q will unchanged.  Otherwise, the integer value will
1538 be returned and @p *q will be set to the memory location immediately following
1539 the integer value.
1541 Cautious callers can detect invalid type codes by checking that *q has
1542 actually been updated.
1543 */
1544 /+static inline int64_t bcf_dec_typed_int1(const uint8_t *p, uint8_t **q)
1545 {
1546     return bcf_dec_int1(p + 1, *p&0xf, q);
1547 }
1549 static inline int32_t bcf_dec_size(const uint8_t *p, uint8_t **q, int *type)
1550 {
1551     *type = *p & 0xf;
1552     if (*p>>4 != 15) {
1553         *q = cast(uint8_t*)p + 1;
1554         return *p>>4;
1555     } else return bcf_dec_typed_int1(p + 1, q);
1556 }+/